small group

  1. D

    Christian app maker

    Hi, My name is Tomas, and are a Christian developer who has just released an app with questions and conversations starters named to use in small groups/life groups, etc.. Anyway, if you are a developer as well, sen me a message and say hello.
  2. T

    Severe anxiety during church and church events has prohibited me from making connections

  3. bèlla

    House Church Info.

    I've felt a growing desire to fellowship at home with other believers. I envision gatherings over nourishing meals where we share the word, study, and support one another. I won't call it a house church per se, but its been on my heart for two years now. I'd like to hear your stories. :) What...
  4. TheLordIsMySheperd

    Reflection-based small group

    Dear my Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I posted before, asking about koinonia, but as I understand better, now I narrowed down my question. I grew up in a community-minded culture, and now I live in US. Back then I grew up in a reflection small groups. We have fellowship, bible study, and...
  5. TheLordIsMySheperd

    Relational based small group

    Hi, My church doesn't have small group that is relational based. They focus on bible study only. I am looking for a small group that is relational and focus more on spiritual formation. Is there any such inter-church small group like that? Blessings.