single mom

  1. Y

    My baby’s father hasn’t asked about the baby, should I tell him?

    Hi, everyone! My story is that I got married in 2020. In December my husband and I went to his home country where he started being physically abusive and his sister hated me. I got pregnant and he said that it’s not his child and that I cheated on him. I never cheated on him and the child is...
  2. H

    Grieving loss of mother when agreed to marry and when married, now I regret it... please help!!!

    Hi, I married not even three months ago after we had been together only 8 months. He was not a total stranger to me when we got together as he was three years older than me in our tiny high school growing up, but I had never talked to him then and moved away when I was 15 and it wasn't until I...
  3. M

    Need help potty training 7 year old!

    Hello everyone I came here hoping people would be able to offer me some advice on getting my daughter potty trained she currently has to wear diapers 24/7 for both needs. I have tried potty training her when she was younger but we made no progress at all later on I decided to take her to a few...
  4. A

    Why are single moms wrong without knowing the situation?

    I have noticed that when a Christian single mother asks how good Christian men feel about single mothers, often times it is assumed that the single mother made a "mistake" or was a "fornicator" in which conceived the child out of wedlock....this seems to be assumed almost always from Christian...
  5. E

    I need advice

    Hello, I find myself in a very lonely situation with no support from family...I’m 28 and was recently divorced...then fell into I have a baby on the way and I don’t think the father wants any involvement. My mother says I wouldn’t be loving the child if I kept it because a child needs...
  6. A

    Committing a Sin to Benefit/Protect My Child

    Based on our current address, my child is zoned for a low ranking, underperforming, and dangerous school! After months of losing sleep trying to make the right decision, I chose to ask a friend (with an address zoned for a much better, safer school) if we could sign a fake lease agreement and...
  7. AGODBELIEVERlove1stfaith2

    Ladies - no man completes you!! *

    Ladies - no man completes you!! * This is for the women.. Please don't think that a man completes you. He doesn't and he can't. Instead make yourself complete first. Then he may come your way if that God's will. Therefore you and him will become One flesh - complete with the help Jesus...
  8. H

    in serious need of advice

    Hi, so I guess I am in quite a predicament and I don't have any idea how I should handle it in the best Christian way possible... I have one beautiful daughter who is 18 months old. I adore her so much and am so beyond thankful to God for her. Her father and I were married for a year then...