pregnant women

  1. L

    Pregnant Women - Survey Research

    Hello! I am a fifth year psychology graduate student at Alliant International University. I am conducting a research dissertation. My research is looking at women 18+, in a relationship who are currently pregnant. I am looking to better understand women's experiences during their pregnancy...
  2. A

    Why are single moms wrong without knowing the situation?

    I have noticed that when a Christian single mother asks how good Christian men feel about single mothers, often times it is assumed that the single mother made a "mistake" or was a "fornicator" in which conceived the child out of wedlock....this seems to be assumed almost always from Christian...
  3. Oloche Moses Okwori

    Prayer Request Pray for my Wife

    We are expecting our second baby very soon, my wife is in her 37th week and due for delivery in about a week's time. Please pray with for a safe delivery of a healthy baby. The testimony shall be published on the page because our God is awesome. Please pray with us!
  4. Your Brother In Christ

    3 Myths About The Bible: Command Killing Of Pregnant Women and Abortion