
  1. Aviel

    Hell : Then the Lake of Fire

    Reader, Hell was created for the Devil and His fallen angels", before Adam was created who rebelled and took on the nature of the Devil. So, that "nature" is the "Adamic" nature.. Its the sin nature or the "fallen nature" that is passed unto us all, as.. "by one man's sin, sin and death...
  2. VCO


    Yes, I am from the mid-western part of the USA. I am an evangelical type of Christian, that attends a conservative non-denominational Church. I am a Pre-Trib Believer, and am fully convinced that is what the Scripture Teaches. Yes I am Old, 72 to be exact. I was Born Again the last week of...
  3. Bible Highlighter

    Pre-Trib Only My New End Times Chronology

    My New End Times Chronology: (A Chronology in Honor of both: A Pre-Trib Rapture and a Mid-Trib Gathering of the Elect): Summary: 1. Pre-Trib Rapture (or Rapture during the 1st 3 and 1/2 years of the Tribulation). 2. 1st Half of 7 Year Tribulation Part 1, and Part 2. 3. 2nd Half of 7 Year...