
  1. JoshHatesCheese

    Movie review podcasts

    I’ve always been a big movie guy so a few years back I decided to try to start my own podcast for reviewing movies and tv shows. My first friend I asked never seemed all that interested and was always too busy to keep up with it. And the other guy who is a friend of a friend always wanted to...
  2. P

    PriorityOne Ministries

    Greetings, My name is Caleb Collins, and I am but one of a group of college students who are in a band called PriorityOne. It is our goal to lead God-honoring worship and to serve Him well in that regard, but we also have a podcast, aptly named the PriorityOne Podcast. We'd love for you to give...
  3. B

    Favorite Biblical Worldview Podcasts or Vidcasts?

    Couldn't find anyone else who had a topic like this. What are your favorite podcasts or vidcasts to listen to that have a Biblical worldview? Here are my top 3 in no particular order. POst yours so I can find more. Mike Winger's Bible Thinker...