
  1. The Liturgist

    The Harrowing of Hell

    Those who enjoy listening to Choral Evensong, which I do on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from St. Thomas Fifth Ave, one of the last of the Anglican churches to preserve that great tradition of a boys’ choir, the majority having succumbed to a combination of liberalism, in abolishing boys...
  2. The Liturgist

    A disappointing Christological homily at Guildford Cathedral, and the importance of stressing the deity of Christ

    I particularly like Guildford Cathedral for their music program, and was excited last week to hear a Christological sermon by the celebrant. However, on hearing it, I was disappointed, because rather than stressing the deity of Christ, she managed to inadvertently imply Arianism, through two...
  3. The Liturgist

    Eusebius of Caesarea

    @dzheremi Last night I was surprised to come across a report that the Syriac Orthodox venerate Eusebius of Caesarea, and apparently believe that he changed his mind, that is to say, repented of Arianism, at the Council of Nicaea, and is on their liturgical calendar. I have not had a chance to...
  4. The Liturgist

    Celebrating June as Humility Month, and the Fast of the Holy Apostles

    One way in which we can assert that the sexual revolution has produced grave sin is its chief temporal celebration, that being Pride Month. Even a casual reading of Scripture will confirm that both pride and sexual perversion such as that being celebrated this month are viewed as dangerous sins...
  5. The Liturgist

    4. The Merits Of Alexandrian And Antiochene Exegesis

    Much of the wisdom of Scripture is conveyed through prophetic typologies. St. Luke shows us with his Resurrection narrative that all Old Testament Scripture is all about Christ, and Matthew illustrates some examples, however, the majority are to be found by obvious implication. To better...
  6. Kilk1

    Did any in the early church require a kosher diet?

    In the early church, we see statements suggesting that the dietary laws of clean/unclean meats from Old Testament passages such as Leviticus 11 are no longer binding. For example: As for their [the Jews'] scrupulousness about meats, and their superstitions about the Sabbath, and their...
  7. Kilk1

    Was Ignatius' claim that Christians didn't keep the Sabbath correctly translated?

    Hello! According to this Sabbatarian source, Ignatius' statement, normally translated thus, is incorrect (emphasis mine): If then those who had walked in ancient prac- tices attained unto newness of hope, no longer observing sabbaths but fashioning their lives after the Lord's day, on which our...
  8. Kilk1

    Is the Lord's Day Saturday according to Acts of John (Apocryphal)?

    Hello! The other day, I was discussing Sabbatarianism on a thread, and @Torah Keeper said that the Acts of John (Apocryphal) supports the view that the Lord's Day is Saturday. Here's the text in question: And on the seventh day, it being the Lord's day, he said to them: Now it is time for me...
  9. The Liturgist

    1. The Divine Essence Is Beyond Human Comprehension

    To quote Protopresbyter Michael Pomazansky’s classic Orthodox Dogmatic Theology, translated from Russian into English by the great penitent, scholar and abbot Fr. Seraphim Rose, because of God’s inscrutability and existence above and distinct from all of Creation, “ may speak only of the...
  10. The Liturgist

    A Supplementary Catechism For Forum Members

    Answers, explanations and discourses pertaining to commonly held theological and philosophical misunderstandings among otherwise pious and faithful Christians who adhere to the Nicene Creed and the ChristianForums Statement of Faith, presented in a spirit of love, concord and good will for the...
  11. The Liturgist

    Sola Scriptura vs. Nuda Scriptura

    A member in another thread asked me an interesting question, which I have posted here to avoid derailing the thread and also to not give the misleading appearance of criticizing anyone participating in that thread, for nothing in this reply was written in response to the comments or beliefs of...
  12. P

    Origen - Saint, heretic or just another ECF?

    One controversial subject among traditional churches is the ecclesiastical status of Origen, who was anathematized by Emperor Justinian in an event connected with but not neccessarily (herein is the controversy) a part of the Fifth Ecumenical Council (which by the way my church doesn't even...