
  1. J

    the incredible anti-Lutheran bias in History of Napoleonic wars

    There are many books on "Napoleon Bonaparte" and his invasion of Europe but almost none on the historical figures that defeated him; In addition, contrary to what Russia claims, they did not really defeat Napoleon themselves. There was a wide array of predominantly Lutheran principalities that...
  2. J

    Lutheran official apologetic method related to Real Presence

    Which is the official position : Classical, evidential, presuppositional, or other ? From what I've seen it seems to be evidential, but I don't see why it can't be others also. I think this falls under epistemology and prolegomena. I could be wrong but from what I can understand as a layman...
  3. The Liturgist

    The Physical Presence of Christ in the Eucharist

    Following in the path of the Holy Apostles, the Early Church Fathers, the Eastern Orthodox, the Oriental Orthodox, the Assyrian Church of the East, the Ancient Church of the East, the Roman Catholic Church, the Lutheran churches, and High Church Anglicans that our Lord is not merely spiritually...
  4. The Liturgist

    Sola Scriptura vs. Nuda Scriptura

    A member in another thread asked me an interesting question, which I have posted here to avoid derailing the thread and also to not give the misleading appearance of criticizing anyone participating in that thread, for nothing in this reply was written in response to the comments or beliefs of...
  5. KagomeShuko

    What should somebody fairly new to the UMC ask?

    Every first Sunday of the month, the pastors at the UMC have a time when, if people want to ask questions, they can come ask them and they will try to answer them to the best of their In the abilities. This would only be my third time asking stuff as this time is only held during Sunday School...
  6. KagomeShuko

    ELCA and United Methodists Differences

    I keep trying to find the differences between ELCA and the UMC. I only find one major difference - that the UMC believes in becoming holy on this earth and has more of a focus on earthly works. However, they still believe in God's grace and that Jesus is the one who saves. They believe that...
  7. KagomeShuko

    United Methodist Congregations and Hierarchy of the Entire Church

    I was wondering about the structure of the United Methodist Church and how things work for each congregation. I joined a local UMC as an associate or affiliate member (whichever they call it) as I am comfortable there for a local church, but I wanted to keep my membership with the ELCA, but my...
  8. KagomeShuko

    United Methodist/ELCA beliefs

    My home church is a 45 minute drive away from the city where I live. I've been involved in some ministries at a local United Methodist Church as well as the United Methodist college ministry. I read through the Methodist beliefs and they seem that they are basically the same as the ELCA...
  9. zippy2006

    Is Deification compatible with Lutheranism?

    In his post here @FireDragon76 links to Lutheran theologian David Wagschal's critique of the traditional Christian doctrine of Deification or Theosis. In beginning to explicate the doctrine of Deification, Wagschal tells us: This is the teaching that salvation is the progressive and gradual...
  10. S

    Calvinism and Lutheranism

    Could some people please explain why Calvinism would become more widely spread than Lutheranism?
  11. jinc1019

    Why Do Christians Lose Faith? Lutheran vs. Calvinism

    Hello, I've been a Christian for nearly a decade, but I haven't been able to settle on a denomination. I think the two denominations that come the closest to the teachings of the Apostles are Lutheranism and Calvinism, but there are a few issues that I have yet to be able to settle. One is...
  12. bèlla

    Exploring the Lutheran Faith

    I am exploring the Lutheran faith as a possible path for myself. I'm familiar with a few tenets of the LCMS and sense it would be an ideal fit. However, there is much to learn and I'd appreciate pointers on the topics I should consider. Books and other resources are welcome. Also, does the...
  13. Not David

    Liberal Lutheranism or Conservative Lutheranism, why did you choose one over the other?

    As someone who was interested in Lutheranism before, why did you choose one over the other?
  14. S

    Lutherans and apologetics

    I realized that Lutherans don't care much about apologetics as do Catholics and other Protestant groups. And why Lutherans don't care much about apologetic questions such as: "The Problem of Evil", "Existence of God ", "Origin of the Universe" and "The Resurrection of Christ." Doesn't...
  15. Not David

    Sola Fide Question

    Howdy! Even tho I know that Lutherans believe in Faith Alone and Catholics believe in Faith + Works, how come they sound similar when there is a discussion about those two? For example, Lutherans don't believe in Antinominalism so if they don't do works then they don't have faith. On the other...
  16. ChristIsSovereign

    Deliverance from False Thinking (My Pondering on Luther)

    I was feeling incomplete without a sense of belonging and church liturgy ever since I came back to Christ after abandoning him for the lusts of my heart. When I came back, I had to address all the issues I had before I left, like my desire for liturgy and the belief in the Real Presence, for...
  17. P

    On the size of denominations and communions

    In another thread, I was enjoying a good but I expect offtopic conversation with my friends @ViaCrucis and @BobRyan about denominational size: Picking up where we left off, it might be interesting to both resume that discussion about the relative sizes of denominations and communions, and...
  18. jinc1019

    Lutheran Church Authority

    I'm having a hard time understanding the Lutheran position on church authority. Perhaps this is because different groups have varying views. What role does ministry have in church authority? Do Lutherans believe any group of people anywhere can start a church whenever they want? Why is it that...
  19. jinc1019

    Is Sin Part of God's Plan?

    Before answering, I think it's important to explain the question further. When I ask, "Is sin part of God's plan?" I'm not asking if God desires or wills for people to sin, and I'm not asking if God is the author of sin or makes people sin. I'm also not asking about whether God withholds his...
  20. jinc1019

    Lutheran Predestination, Single, Double?

    Perhaps the biggest hang-up for me becoming Lutheran at this point is predestination. I think Lutherans are right to espouse justification by faith alone through Christ alone, the grace-giving nature of the sacraments, and the importance of scripture as the highest authority on Earth for...