liberal christianity

  1. The Liturgist

    The Episcopal Church: Supporting Abortion Since 1967

    I recently published an article about the United Church of Christ supporting abortion, and now I feel its time to call attention to the fact that, unknown to myself when I was a member, the Episcopal Church has officially supported abortion since before Roe vs. Wade, even though many...
  2. Ohorseman

    New stripes on the rainbow flag. Lucifer Fallen.

    A gray stripe should be added to the rainbow flag, for PORN ADDICTS. That is the right color because PORN makes you gray inside, so to speak. Just like gay pride, porn addicts are also products of a sinful culture, broken sexuality, and a political landscape that promotes sin. Also, a white...
  3. The Liturgist

    New Testament Apocrypha

    Recently, I have become more interested in the idea of churches using some of the New Testament apocrypha, for two reasons: firstly, some of it, like the Protoevangelion of James and the Gospel of Nicodemus, contains actual doctrines of the ancient church, and other examples, such as the...
  4. The Liturgist

    How liberal am I, actually? And, the evils of misogyny

    I am apparently considered a liberal, I have found out in the past 24 hours, in part for my Evolutionist interpretation of Genesis ch. 1 and in part because I reject the penal substitutionary atonement and satisfaction atonement of John Calvin and Anselm of Canterbury respectively, as well as...
  5. Athanasius377

    Is sexual promiscuity solely the arena of more liberal Christianity?

    Moralistic Therapeutic Bachelorette Discuss. Before posting understand that Rod Dreher is an Eastern Orthodox believer and I don’t know if he actually wrote the headline. Please read the entire article because there is nuance in the body of the article not present in the headline. And...
  6. sprucebruce

    A place for us

    Tired of the judgement and condemnation we've gotten from our church, I've been looking for a community that would welcome and accept us as we are (a family of three) and not try to change or make us give up our lifestyle. My wife has Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease and I've been her caregiver...
  7. gerbilwoman

    Favorite Liberal Christian Websites?

    What are everyone's favorite liberal Christian websites? I like:
  8. DharmaChrsitian

    Seeking Fundamentalist Response

    Hello, I’m a student at a very liberal seminary and would like to see how my perspective holds up here. What I wanna do is lay out some of what I’ve been taught, why i find it convincing, and see if any fundamentalist or evangelical can change my mind, or at least enrich my understanding. Let me...
  9. Lybrah

    Judging Other Christians

    The other day a pastor friend made a post on social media to his Christian friends, urging them to vote in the US midterms. He stated: Go out and vote if you care about fair treatment of women and their bodies, rights for sexual Now, he listed other issues too, but the...
  10. Raphael Jauregui

    What denominations are represented on Whoesoever Will, May Come?

    I know that this forum is for all of us from a host of liberal denominations or non-denominational congregations. What are some of your guys' that you represent here? :)
  11. Raphael Jauregui

    A Healing Priestess and Feminist Christianity

    Ebenezer Lutheran Church in San Francisco, also known as 'Her Church', is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and identifies as a congregation which focuses on women's spirituality and feminist thealogies. The congregation also advertises itself as a centre for women...
  12. Raphael Jauregui

    News from liberal Christians: The UMC commissioned first non-binary clergy

    The United Methodist Church commissioned the Rev M Barclay and it is believed they are the first non-binary trans* person to be provisionally 'ordained' or commissioned as clergy in the denomination. In 2008, the Judicial Council ruled that trans* people can serve as clergy...
  13. Raphael Jauregui

    News in theology that's debated:The UMC commissions first non-binary trans* clegy

    The United Methodist News Communications are reporting that the United Methodist Church has commissioned what they believe is the first non-binary transgender person to become clergy in the denomination. In 2008, the Judicial Council of the UMC ruled that trans* people can serve as clergy in the...
  14. Raphael Jauregui

    Attorney for UMC Explains Judicial Council ruling involving Bishop Karen Oliveto

    In a long and complex ruling, the Judicial Council ruled that same-sex marriages and/or partnerships are in violation of the Book of Discipline and that people in such relationships should not be consecrated as bishops. The Judicial Council also ruled of Bishop Karen Oliveto that "she was in...
  15. Raphael Jauregui

    United Methodist Judicial Council ruling could inspire LGBTQ movement

    As a liberal Christian, I know that I feel more inspired to advocate for and donate to causes that seek to create space and inclusion for LGBTQIA members of the UMC and other denominations. I think that this article gives some of the positive examples for how Bishop Karen Oliveto is inspiring...
  16. Raphael Jauregui

    How should the Church recognise same-sex couples (or not)?

    In many churches and denominations, governing bodies are discussing how the Church should respond to the legalisation of same-sex marriages and/or civil unions. Some, like the Episcopal Church, United Church of Christ, and Presbyterian Church (USA) in the US, have responded by supporting...
  17. redleghunter

    Have Fundamentalists Forgotten What Fundamentalism Is?

    What exactly is Fundamentalism? Is it the main stream media caricature of snake handling Westburo Baptist rubes American Taliban? Well that seems to be what the secular Left would love to paint Fundamentalists. So where did this characterization or label come from. The actual history should...
  18. redleghunter

    Air Conditioning Hell: How Liberalism Happens

    By Albert Mohler Do we believe that hell is a part of the perfection of God’s justice? Are we embarrassed by the biblical doctrine of hell?...The lesson of theological liberalism is clear—embarrassment is the gateway drug for theological accommodation and denial. Be sure of this: it will not...
  19. P

    Why I am compelled to dispute Adventism

    I do not hate Seventh Day Adventists. I furthermore do not uniquely object to their doctrines; there are several other denominations I am rather more aggrieved with. For example, many of the liberal mainline Protestant churches such as the UCC, the PCUSA, and so on, at times seem to exist only...
  20. Kristen Johnson


    Hello everyone. I am a liberal Christian and I am joining mostly to participate in Theology and Discussion/Debate forums. I find discussion of differing points of view, using the same Bible, to be a fascinating process. Interests include: Methodism, feminism, climate change, animal rights...