
  1. AlexB23

    Ethics of a hypothetical technology, the molecular assembler

    Hello folks. Does anyone remember Star Trek, The Next Generation? @Kylie enjoys Star Trek, just as I do. In that show, the crew aboard the USS Enterprise have access to a technology known as the replicator, which can manipulate atoms at a subatomic level, to make dinner or tools for free. This...
  2. The IbanezerScrooge

    What is the Conservative Vision for America?

    I guess I can think of a few specific issues and the position held by most conservatives on them, but I'm asking for the bigger picture. So, pretend that tomorrow every state legislature and federal elected position is won by Republicans and/or Libertarians. What does a conservative American...
  3. helmut

    Suppose the election has been "stolen" ...

    I don't believe there was systematic fraud in the election, but, just for the sake of arguments, let us suppose there was fraud, and in reality Trump has won. What can we conclude from that? The fraud has not be done by the Democrats. If they had committed anything like that, they would also...