
  1. Vanellus

    Was Marcion a heretic?

    I was thinking of putting this in the Christian history section but I'm not so much concerned with Marcion but with the issues he raised. Marcion and Marcionism is quite a multi topic subject but I'm focussing on his reason for generating a cut down version of the Holy Scriptures (which some...
  2. Behold

    Peace with God

    - How do you have peace with God? Where is it found? Well, the answer is simple, but the application can be hindered and even blocked by you. By the way you think.... See, the way you think defines what you believe, and why. If this is wrong... if your thinking is wrong, then your faith is...
  3. public hermit

    The Wife of Martin Guerre: An argument for tolerance and graciousness towards heretics

    I came across this argument while reading about the Huguenot refugee and philosopher, Pierre Bayle. The conclusion of the argument is, "The erroneous conscience procures for error the same rights and privileges that the orthodox conscience procures for truth.” The argument is based on the true...
  4. JasonV

    Patriarchs Meletios IV and Athenagoras I never condemned or excommunicated?

    Both of these patriarchs were well known Freemasons. One might also add Antony Bashir and Aftimios Ofiesh while on the subject. Why the silence?
  5. Martinius

    Heretics now welcome!

    A change was made in December to the rules of both the TLT and SOTE forums to allow for threads that disagree with the teachings or positions of the Church. Here is how it reads in the Statement of Purpose: "This area allows for what would normally be considered by Rome dissent from the...
  6. Lords Man

    Martin Luther King Jr. Heretic!

    Martin Luther King Jr. was an apostate. This is clearly revealed in a paper entitled, ‘What Experiences of Christians Living in the Early Christian Century Led to the Christian Doctrines of the Divine Sonship of Jesus, the Virgin Birth, and the Bodily Resurrection’. In King's theology regarding...