family issues

  1. Heartofsilver

    Keep your distance

    Hello everyone, As I was deleting my previous post on social media, I was thinking about how it is ridiculous that I am doing so. I was wishing my fiancee's uncle a happy birthday from my fiancee's cousin's page when I remembered that him and his family don't want me calling him uncle even...
  2. K

    I REALLY need advice / help with a family situation...

    Hey all. I'm new here and I am coming here for advice on a situation dealing with my sister. I'll try and keep this as short as possible but I have to throw in a little backstory to get the correct advice. Thank you so much in advance... I am the youngest and my older sister is 14 years older...
  3. M

    I married an unbeliever

    My husband of almost two years is not a Christian and our marriage is really struggling. background: We decided to date after 4 years of friendship and I moved straight in with him, pregnant three months later, then at 7 months we moved across the country to start a business. I was just coming...
  4. C

    How should I approach my mother about her sin?

    My mother and I live with my mom's boyfriend. She's not married to him, nor does he plan on proposing anytime soon, and I'm pretty sure they're having sex outside of marriage. I know that my mom knows premarital sex is wrong, and she's told me before that she felt like God was telling her to...
  5. GracefulGalPal

    I am the daughter of a Schizophrenic...

    I have dealt with a lot of things in my life. Violent bullying, discrimination, sexism, racism, and most of all... mental illness. My father is severely mentally disabled and is almost a monster because of it. He is definitely going to hell. Not because of what I think of him, but because of the...
  6. J

    Leaving for my brother's college

    Hey everyone, we're leaving for my brother's college, were going to help him move in next week, and I'd just like to ask for some prayers as we leave. I'm having a rough morning, my mother and brother just had an argument, and on top of that, I'm having a discussion on FishEaters and I'm hearing...