
  1. dzheremi

    Schism of EOTC Bishop in Oromia Region of Ethiopia; Coptic Orthodox Church response

    I suppose with much of the news coming out of Ethiopia these days being on the trouble with Tigray, we're bound to miss some things as laypeople in her sister churches, but I was still shocked to learn yesterday that about a month ago, a bishop within the EOTC in the Oromia region of Ethiopia...
  2. dzheremi

    Ethiopia's Chapel in the Sky: The Church of Abouna Yemata

    Most people who are aware of Ethiopia's breathtaking Christian sites are probably well acquainted with the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, where churches are carved out of solid rock, recessed several hundred feet into the ground. But Ethiopia also features several churches and monasteries that...
  3. dzheremi

    Protests and violence in Oromia region of Ethiopia; Jawar Muhammad and others charged with terrorism

    Hi all. We've had a few threads lately on the persecution of Ethiopian Orthodox Christians in the context of violence in the Oromia region of Ethiopia, but they were mainly focused on praying (and rightfully so), whereas I would like to share now a little bit of news I stumbled on earlier this...
  4. Garlic Magnet

    How Many Books Are in Your Bible? 66? 73? 81?

    I'm genuinely interested in hearing about how many books are in a canon. The number varies greatly. The Lutheran Position on this subject is unique. While today, especially in the West, Lutherans keep and utilize Bibles with the 66 standard Protestant books, Lutherans have never been...
  5. AKWarrior

    Lack of Baptisms at My Church

    While I am a Baptist, the church I attend isn't Baptist per se. It might've been once, but it's more non-denominational than anything. I do believe they are a God-fearing church and are scripturally sound amid a few minor disagreements I have with them. However, there is one major issue that...
  6. Raphael Jauregui

    The Ethiopian Orthodox Church has additional New Testament books

    I found this to be interesting. I'm looking forward to being able to buy an English-translation of the Ethiopic Bible. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church has the largest biblical canon of any mainstream Christian denomination. The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church