dream interpretations

  1. J

    What's the Biblical Meaning of Dreaming About the Same Person?

    Recurring Dreams of the same person , What does it mean? Im seeking God about it but no answers yet! But it does happen quite often for the last couple of years.
  2. Mrs. Bridges

    Please Help with Dream Interpretation

    I had a dream last night that I was in a large airplane with a handful of people I did not know. This plane didn’t have any seats it was almost like a cargo plane. I sensed in my spirit something was wrong, I looked out the window only to see the right wing completely on fire. I looked around at...
  3. H

    New member seeking answers...

    I have just recently been widowed. My husband passed the day before Christmas eve 2018. He left me with 3 amazing kids (girl 12, boy 14, boy 17). I signed up to help find meaning to my dream I had last night. I saw him sitting at a table with a mother and child. This table was in a public area...
  4. cjohn198

    Are the dreams that I am having Spiritual?

    A little back ground on me, I grew up (and am still doing a lot of growing up) in a family that has taught me christianity, and right from wrong. Ever since I can remember I have believed in God and have at least tried to be a good christian. I attended a private christian school from k-12. I...
  5. C


  6. T


    I had a night vision a couple of years back of what happens in the spiritual realm at night. I don't remember where I was at in the dream but this man whom was about 5'10, white skin, scruffy facial hair with ultra yellow blonde hair, picked me up in the air and somehow I landed perfectly on...
  7. Iamdayton

    The temptation of Holy Water

    July 23 Hi brothers and sisters! Recently I just got so many dream this month and this was the dream I had last night but today I have another dream again which I will post it tomorrow, and I definitely need your interpretation on this.. Okay so I remember I was in my old house laying on the...
  8. Iamdayton

    Tempted of the Devil

    July 11 Hi brothers and sisters! Again I'm back with my dream and need your interpretation for this, God bless! Okay so I remember seeing Queen Elizabeth smiling at me, she was holding like a Silver rod with snake on it, idk what that is but it looks like this Then a voice came to me and told...
  9. Borislav

    Alien dream

    Hi last night I had pretty scary and strange dream. I dreamed about aliens or alien I think it was only one alien or more like human loiking idk it was a little blurry. I was with my family and saw an alien ship landing and shooting lasers at houses. The one alien but it looked like human came...
  10. Leyanis

    Dream: To those w/ the gift of interpreting

    My dream: I was coughing up glass. I had glass in my throat. I knew in my dream I had three pieces of glass stuck in my throat. I coughed up two pieces, but before I woke up, one piece remained. The glass was slightly thick, small and clear in color. No blood. It hurt but not extremely painful.
  11. Leyanis

    Newbie Here: Dream interpretation

    Hello everyone! I'm happy to have found this site! I look forward to growing spiritually as I fellowship with you on this journey of living a Christian life. I had a dream last night that has both puzzled and frightened me. I know God gives the gift of interpretation both for visions and...
  12. Lybrah

    How can you tell if a certain dream came from God?

    Recently I have had two dreams where a friend I lost touch with has announced to me that she is no longer my friend, and she is mean to me. I wake up feeling sad. Could this dream be from God? Would God give you a dream to make you feel sad?
  13. Lybrah

    Dreams of Houses

    I always have dreams of houses. Usually they are very nice houses, that I would like to live in. There is a different house for each dream, and each is a different style and size. Usually there is furniture. Sometimes I am moving into the house, and sometimes I am in someone else's house...
  14. M

    Is It From God or Something Else???

  15. Lybrah

    Dreams of Impending Judgment

    I am new here and this is my first post. I looked for a thread for Dream Interpretation and did not find one. So I chose this one. I need help in interpreting my dreams. For awhile I had recurring dreams that I was in my childhood bedroom (I am an adult now) and it was night and the window...