
  1. dzheremi

    Something that we all share, maybe? "Hymn of the Doxology"

    One of the 'issues' of being Oriental Orthodox is that you cannot always tell how what you are doing connects with what others are doing, even in the communion, let alone outside of it. By that, I mean (for instance) how the 'Coptic' version (which is entirely in Greek) of the hymn "O Monogenes...
  2. judson1982

    A question for those who attend liturgical churches

    Do you ever get tired of saying the Lord's Prayer, one of the Creeds (Apostolic/Nicene), singing the Gloria (in some churches this occurs after reciting a creed), singing the Doxology (usually after the offering has been passed), "passing the peace", reciting a corporate confession of sin...
  3. Doxology


    Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host: Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.