
  1. linux.poet

    1 Timothy 5:8 and my messed-up life

    What feels like an a simple Scriptural command that most people are able to follow feels to me like an insurmountable mountain. My family keeps threatening me and attacking me and I don't want to provide for them. I'm frankly scared of my family. They keep threatening me with eviction but never...
  2. EtainSkirata

    OCD destroying a relationship

    Saturday night my boyfriend told me that the affection he feels for me had been dulled, and it's because I constantly bring up problem after problem, and it's wearing him down and stressing him out. I asked if he wants to fix it, and he said it's hard to want to fix it with the affection being...
  3. EtainSkirata

    Relationship advice needed--feeling hopeless

    I struggle with OCD. It's affecting my relationship with my boyfriend, to the point where he has said he feels as though his affection for me has dulled. We had issues with intimacy before. These instances have led to long, emotional discussions. That, and my OCD makes it so that I'm constantly...
  4. H

    Evil is so present within me

    Hello. I am feeling desperate, I don't know what to do. I don't want to sound crazy. I came here with the hopes that those with open minds will see my case. Nobody I know has faith/belief in much of anything so I don't have many places I can talk about this. My best friend who is a Christian is...
  5. Christsfreeservant

    A Fateful Day

    An Original Work / September 11, 2021 On the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers USA A fateful day on lives did prey, A sadness filled the air. Then fear arose, and billows flowed, And lives were in despair. Confusion felt by all that day. In wonderment they stared As...
  6. Christsfreeservant

    When it Feels God is Silent

    Psalm 28:1-3 ESV “To you, O Lord, I call; my rock, be not deaf to me, lest, if you be silent to me, I become like those who go down to the pit. Hear the voice of my pleas for mercy, when I cry to you for help, when I lift up my hands toward your most holy sanctuary. Do not drag...
  7. H

    Prayers for those considering suicide

    Heavenly Father, I come before You today to pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are finding it hard to hold on in this life. I pray that they feel Your presence and become filled with Your peace -- a peace that passes all understanding. I also pray that sadness and despair...
  8. Pavel Mosko

    Finding The Strength To Go On video, Fr. Anthony Messeh

    Over the years, actually decades I've used and collected various Christian resources that have helped me with my various troubles and issues. This one sermon I've recommenced a number of times to people going through tough times and it is preached from a "rising star" (so to speak) of the...
  9. TzipiDee

    Losing hope, feeling bereft

    Although my husband is not a believer, I became 'quiverfull' convicted around the year 2000. I had 4 children plus 7 miscarriages. I am 47 now so, although having more children remains my deepest heart desire, it does not seem likely that I will be blessed. what did I do wrong? Why do my...
  10. L

    When Times Are rough.

    My worst fear is going to hell. Last year I was a religious OCD freak, now I'm a careless sin wallowing lazy hag. I was born and raised in a Christian home but about last year I was building my relationship with Christ, but of course that was in the summer and when school started I was on a boat...
  11. L

    Pray for Me.

    I think I'm starting to go crazy. I don't sleep. The world is beginning to feel numb. I cursed at my parents and I dishonor them. I'm so scared, I shouldn't have but I was so angry. I always feel bad. I'm starting to become this evil person. It's like the old me is looking at myself through a...
  12. S


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  13. crossnote


    There it goes that great heart pull against which I am helpless pulling me downward into and through a bottomless pit. Lift my eyes to my only Help, turn my heart from being rented in two lift me up to be seated with you.