clean & unclean foods

  1. Kilk1

    Did any in the early church require a kosher diet?

    In the early church, we see statements suggesting that the dietary laws of clean/unclean meats from Old Testament passages such as Leviticus 11 are no longer binding. For example: As for their [the Jews'] scrupulousness about meats, and their superstitions about the Sabbath, and their...
  2. The Narrow Way

    Have You Heard God Calling You....?

    I believe God is calling ALL to COME and FOLLOW Him. Sadly, many want to BE CALLED "followers of Christ" or "CHRISTIANS" but they don't want to DO the things God has CALLED us to do. So many times when people read things in the Old Testament that God told His people to do, they will say, "Oh...