
  1. Q

    How ambitious should a Christian man be ?

    How ambitious should a man Christ be in his career and when is his ambitious too much ?
  2. Q

    (Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers) what does this verse really mean ?

    I know this verse doesn’t mean we shouldn’t associate with unbelievers but does this verse mean we shouldn’t be friends with unbelievers or close friends with unbelievers or we shouldn’t have business with them ?
  3. Q

    Is it really bad to mostly listen to secular music as a Christian ?

    I know some people who listen to mostly Christian music and are the most hostile foul-mouthed people around and I know some Christian who only listen to secular music and demonstrate Christ-like behaviour more than most people who call themselves Christians. With that said does it really matter...
  4. Q

    Is it wrong working with a false doctrine church for a fundraiser for less fortunate children ?

    I was invited to help out for a Christmas fundraiser at a church that preaches the prosperity gospel A part of me thinks it is ok because I am helping them help kids another part of me think it’s wrong because im helping a false doctrine church ?
  5. Q

    What is the best way to do cold-approach evangelism ?

    How do you feel about cold-approach evangelism for christians what is the best way for doing ?
  6. Q

    What does it mean when a Christian woman tells a Christian man he isn’t physically loving her enough in the relationship ?

    What does this mean for a non-married couple ? Does this mean more hugs or kisses ? ?
  7. Q

    Why women trust issues with men is taken seriously within the church but men trust issues with women are brushed off ?

    If a woman discusses her trust issues with men due to her experiences and what she has witnessed church members are more likely to comfort her and try to understand where she is coming from and get her Godly help. But if a man discusses the same about women he is most likely to be told he...
  8. Q

    What are some things the American church doesn’t preach about enough?

    Like what topics need to be preached about more American churches but are seldomly preached about
  9. Q

    Should I leave a Church because the social life there is horrible ?

    I’ve been attending the same church for about 8 years and these last few years the social life of the church been getting worst and worst. Im a young man in a single group that is mostly male we got 11 members and 8 are men and 4 are female and only 1 out of the 4 is under 40 and single. The...
  10. Q

    Should I go to a Church that labels a woman as a pastor ?

    Should I attend a church that has a woman preacher ? Or even a woman labeled as a preacher even though she doesn’t preach.
  11. Q

    Is it me or does it seem like Preachers and lead singers get the best options with women in the church ?

    It seems like most women (especially the attractive ones )in the church or atleast the church ive been going to want mainly to date the preachers or lead singer in the ministry and all the other men get overlooked unless they’re close to preachers clique.
  12. V

    To all those who have same sex attraction.

    I’m writing this to comfort those who struggle with this affliction myself included, This is not who you are, neither did God intend for you to have these feelings in the first place. Everybody is born with a sin nature, this causes to be spiritually separated from God and to do evil things...
  13. G

    If you're looking for a young peoples church...

  14. danstar

    Early Christian Walk

    In my previous entry I wrote about committing my life fully to God in late 2000. I remember the service i went to it was a friday night youth night, i think we had a guest speaker and I was challenged by the message about just living an ordinary life or living one with purpose and following God...