
  1. Christsfreeservant

    God's Love Poured Into our Hearts

    “Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”...
  2. G

    Unknowns, are better for science, than repetitions of what is assumed to be known (selah)

    Hi there, So there is a philosophical problem, with Scientism. That problem, is the value Scientism gives that which it starts out with. Science starts with unknowns. Scientism, takes those unknowns and equivocates that all unknowns have the same fundamental value. That value is antecedent...
  3. mindlight

    God and Character

    If you write a novel or a film script then your characters are crucial to the success of that. The ultimate Playwright and Novelist, in all creation, is of course God Himself. He created us in His image and gave us gifts like rationality, moral sense, creativity, and the drive and determination...
  4. G

    As long as you have the cross, you have the way

    Hi there, So yes, I have been freed of a very severe bondage. As long as you have the cross, you have the way. Don't ask God to fix today, what He can fix for all time, at the end. This is the miracle of God, that what He saved you from at the end, He saved for eternity from that point on.
  5. Monksailor

    Who We Choose as Friends Determines the Direction and Quality of Our Lives

    My wife and I listened to this presentation by Andy Stanley on "Your Move" this a.m. the topic is just a fraction of what he covered but I think it covers it in a general sense. It is a VERY VALUABLE resource for ANY Christian, but I thought especially for those who have just entered the family...
  6. GospelS

    Are You This Beautiful?

    Your beauty should not consist in externals such as fancy hairstyles, gold jewelry or what you wear; rather, let it be the inner character of your heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit. In God’s sight this is of great value. 1 Peter 3:3-4 CJB Let us examine our true...
  7. public hermit

    Should public officials be forgiven for past misdeeds?

    Should the past misdeeds of elected officials, or those running for office, be forgiven? I realize this is a very general question and that it does depend on the "misdeed" in question. But, there seems to be a growing lack of mercy when it comes to past failures, at least in US politics. I am...
  8. BrotherD

    Characteristics of the Self Life

    I got this list from It is a big help to me even though I don't go over it as much as I need. I pray that it could help someone as well in their journey to the fullness of Christ. We all need to examine ourselves. As fhe scriptures state Philippians 2:12 out your...
  9. Christsfreeservant

    Who Are We Following?

    Psalm 1:1-2 ESV Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. We have the richness of God’s blessings, his...
  10. HoneyBee


    Name: Molly Age: 12 Race: Hispanic and African American Appearance: Biography: Molly is a spunky pre-teen whose family life is a life that is... not so conventional. Her mother is Muslim and her father is Catholic. There's nothing really wrong with that except that now Molly is about to start...
  11. Christsfreeservant

    Trust Him Only

    What do your actions say about you? About your character? Do you say one thing, but yet do another? Do you say nice things to people but then blast them to others behind their backs? Do you tell people you love them, and then treat them with hate? Do you promise faithfulness, and yet remain...