
  1. T

    Determinism & Double Predestination Questions

    Hello, I pray you all are well. I have several questions. 1. Was Calvin the one who first wrote and preached on double predestination? 2. When were the first teachings on limited atonement. What I mean by this is the teaching that God died on the cross for the elect, but did not die on the...
  2. Sketo

    Freewill Is Logically Impossible (for us)

    Timestamp Outline for Your convenience! 1.5x Speed recommended. ⚙️ 00:00:00 Intro 0:03:22 Properly defining "freewill" 0:06:36 Foundational verses 00:11:40 Addressing Deiesm heresy 00:15:38 Determinism established 00:20:11 …Visual example 00:25:06 Practical applications 00:30:08 Foundation...
  3. Brother_Kane

    Free will or predestination?

    I don’t quite understand. There is several verses in romans that sounds a lot like predestination. There is also a ton of verses that talk about making the choice to follow Christ. I want to believe free will. The idea that God decides who is gonna follow Him and who He’s gonna throw in Hell I...
  4. D

    Salvation by Fate

    Hello, This is a question to those who hold to predestination as meaning salvation is by destiny (God being the determiner of it) apart from men's will playing any role to be able change his doomed fate, since really all christians believe in some form of predestination because the apostles...