
  1. SaintCody777

    Hutterite communities already "supposedly" completed herd immunity for COVID-19

    There are some Hutterite communities, in the Great Plains, where most of the people in these communities have "recovered" from COVID-19, meaning that most people in these communities are supposedly immune to COVID-19. Now some Canadian scientists are looking at these as scale models of how...
  2. S


    We are disappointed with our congregation which has women as teachers and recently a woman has blessed with pastoral job/title. We do not know what to do, because it is hard to go away without a better option and when you have friends. But we want to please God, not people. We want to love...
  3. SilentListener

    Looking for a church in Edmonton, CANADA

    Hello! I live and work in Edmonton, and looking for a church here. I would like to attend a church that is non-charismatic, very conservative, Protestant/Anabaptist, that believes in Sola Scriptura, is a Cessationist, believes the Bible is infallible, and accepts head-covering as a part of the...
  4. M

    Seeking Help With Choosing Denomination

    I was wondering if anyone could help me with some questions I have pertaining to Anabaptism. I agree with most of what I've seen regarding the beliefs, but would I have to join a group like the Amish or Mennonites and live communally with them or can I remain where I am. And do I need to give up...
  5. U

    Anabaptist roots

    Friends; I have been told by a Mennonite that Calvary Chapel has Anabaptist roots. Does anyone here have a resource referencing such a history?