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  1. MeekOne

    Random Thread of Randomness! (31)

    No, I had no earthly idea :tutu: Did you know we wish to grow up when we're young only to wish the opposite when we're old. :scratch: Life is weird. :nutbolt:
  2. MeekOne

    Deeper Fellowship... (9)

    Thank you, it's so good to know she's alright and continuing God's work :preach: I remember you as "maidinHisimage" you were a wonderful person then as I am sure you still are. So good to "speak" with you again :tutu: thank you for helping keep this thread going :hug: John 13:34-35. A new...
  3. MeekOne

    Finish The Sentence Game

    feather wands! Life is . . . .
  4. MeekOne

    Finish The Sentence Game

    it sets in the west. How much wood can a woodchuck actually chuck if...
  5. MeekOne

    Random Thread of Randomness! (31)

    Only the blue ones!! :blueheart:
  6. MeekOne

    Random Thread of Randomness! (31)

    Group huggies :groupray: :clap:
  7. MeekOne

    Deeper Fellowship... (9)

    Yes, remember! Those were the good old days!! Did you perhaps use a different name? Maybe Lambkins? I don't know what happened to her.
  8. MeekOne

    Deep thoughts....or maybe NOT...

    That's perfect! ^_^ Quesitos are delicious cream cheese rolled by hand in light pastry dough and sugar, baked until caramelized to a golden finish. They are amazing!!
  9. MeekOne

    Orthodox Jew stopping by temporarily

    Do you have any desire to go to Heaven when you die?
  10. MeekOne

    Deeper Fellowship... (9)

    Thank you, Citizen of the Kingdom for fellowshiping here. May God bless you so much ✝️ Philippians 2:1-2 Believers in Christ are to live in harmony - in a spirit of unity - as we follow the Lord Jesus. Ephesians 4:3 Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves...
  11. MeekOne

    Is Sola Scriptura a valid Biblical position?

    Brother Tony, I am truly not trying to argue with you. I have no need to argue. I really read what you wrote, but you did not address my whole note, so some of my points, not arguments, were not addressed. I put time into my note to you for fellowship purposes, but your response to me is...
  12. MeekOne

    Deeper Fellowship... (9)

    Anyone out there would like to have a deeper fellowship? Let's not let this thread die. In passages like Hebrews 10:24-25, believers are encouraged not to forsake assembling together, emphasizing the importance of meeting regularly to encourage and uplift one another. The concept of...
  13. MeekOne

    Random Thread of Randomness! (31)

    Even when a balloon is half inflated, it is completely full.
  14. MeekOne

    Deep thoughts....or maybe NOT...

    Is there anything more beautiful than a beautiful flamingo, flying across or in front of a beautiful sunset? And he's carrying a very beautiful rose in his beak, and also he's carrying a very beautiful painting with his feet. And also, you're dreaming.
  15. MeekOne

    Bible verses thread.... (29)

    Deuteronomy 18:15 “The Lord your God will raise up a prophet like me for you from among your relatives. You must listen to him”
  16. MeekOne

    Orthodox Jew stopping by temporarily

    Welcome to the Christian Forum :wave: Having said that, you know that at least one of your dislikes will be challenged for you to believe something more than you already do. I don't think you would be here if you didn't want to learn more about God. If you weren't open to it, why would you...
  17. MeekOne

    Is Sola Scriptura a valid Biblical position?

    Hello Tony, Pleased to make your acquaintance. I am hoping and did pray that you read my note to you in the spirit it is written. As my brother in Christ, only to discuss His beautiful Word and sharpen iron against iron, see Proverbs 27:17. It is given with hope in my heart that you will read...
  18. MeekOne

    Did God create time?

    Yes. Philippians 4:5-7 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard...
  19. MeekOne

    Finish The Sentence Game

    annoying, until you get to know them. Getting to know people online takes a lot of...
  20. MeekOne

    Finish The Sentence Game

    that I love so much called "How Great Thou Art" Oh my goodness, how do we ever give God the glory that He is worth than spreading His Word of the gospel than...