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  1. discombobulated1

    If we are all sinners (and we are), how can we get into Heaven where there is "no impure thing"?

    I'm kind of amused w/ this It just seems funny (odd) that I started this thread and now, here we are talking about Mormons! I am a devout Roman Catholic who has studied my faith rather in-depth. Jesus said that Few find the Narrow Way to Heaven Yet it is amazing that we have all these...
  2. discombobulated1

    Here is detailed information about the court case Trump is currently involved in

    they accuse of always defending Trump while they always defend the indefensible: gate crasher baby killer
  3. discombobulated1

    Did the elite democrats over-play their hand with these questionable Trump indictments? poll

    I understand perfectly which is why I don't talk to them
  4. discombobulated1

    If we are all sinners (and we are), how can we get into Heaven where there is "no impure thing"?

    I didn't know I was focused on other people' sins... hmmm... where did I say that? And i have my own interpretation of that Lord, Lord psg.. about how not all who say that will enter Heaven.
  5. discombobulated1

    Muslim explains why they vote Democrat in America. To make America Muslim.

    I don't really get this but I do get my EYES. I have read parts of the Koran and it is clear. Kill the infidel Thou shalt not kill and all those other Commandments from the Bible, on the other hand, are timeless-- do not depend on the era in which they were first taught or adhered to.
  6. discombobulated1

    Why the subconscious is very important and should not be neglected

    Thanks for the prayers (that's what that symbol means, but I guess u know that?) I pray for all posters here... though sometimes I forget. most of my prayers are at night when I can get away from all the craziness.. and then I'm tired so I fall asleep before I've prayed long
  7. discombobulated1

    Why the subconscious is very important and should not be neglected

    I've read the entire Bible and keep on re-reading it. I have also been less "double minded" through prayer, esp the rosary
  8. discombobulated1

    Would you vote for a person who believes or does these things?

    yeh, I always wondered about the total here, 81 plus 74 million because that looks like way more than registered voters.. That is about half the population of the US but as we all know, a huge part of the US population is not old enough to vote and then there are the people who don't bother...
  9. discombobulated1

    Muslim explains why they vote Democrat in America. To make America Muslim.

    People need to be more into information, real news. I've noticed a lot of people are ignorant about what's going on in the wolrd. and I always thought it bizarre that Ilhan Omar wears that thingy on her head.. hijab? and calls herself Muslim but supports the D party's abortion on demand until...
  10. discombobulated1

    Muslim explains why they vote Democrat in America. To make America Muslim.

    if they survive! :oops: The Koran says to kill the infidels, which is everyone not Muslim!
  11. discombobulated1

    Muslim explains why they vote Democrat in America. To make America Muslim.

    Oh horrors! Trump wanted to protect Americans!
  12. discombobulated1

    He Gets Us campaign

    i don't like the implication that Jesus is OK with our sinfulness or inclinations ?
  13. discombobulated1

    People claim to want Jesus for president, but would they really?

    Well said. Yes, we Christians are often in a form of Hell because of all the nasty stuff we are exposed to, whether on TV or just anywhere these days.. I mean, it's downright depressing to see drag queens doing weird suggestive moves in front of innocent children. The parents of those...
  14. discombobulated1

    People claim to want Jesus for president, but would they really?

    WHAT???!! I can't believe you say this.. He slept with anything that had a skirt!
  15. discombobulated1

    Did the elite democrats over-play their hand with these questionable Trump indictments? poll

    yes, you did the reason the left hate him so much, or the primary reason is he helped overturn Roe
  16. discombobulated1

    I’m not sure if I should try anymore

    I'm very sorry. I have been in a similar place but I am not in that place today. You probably won't take my advice or whatever you call it.. I won't call it that, I'll just say what I myself did: First, I prayed the rosary, which the Virgin at Fatima told the children to do, but I never...
  17. discombobulated1

    Why the subconscious is very important and should not be neglected

    I've read up on this cycle of abuse. Usually, th abuser doesn't stop abusing until... God knows when.. he loses everything over it? I can't u/stand why a man would hit a woman.. (bullying). I mean, that's cowardly since the woman is (usually) much weaker
  18. discombobulated1

    Why the subconscious is very important and should not be neglected

    but God knows when someone is double minded through no fault of his/her own. I have always struggled to trust God.. trust that He is love, as the Bible and Church teachings tell us.. so I was likely what you'd call double minded. But he understands all things about us. And I doubt he holds us...
  19. discombobulated1

    Have you ever tried to help someone and he doesn't exactly appreciate it?

    well, I have no choice but to offer help to this person, no choice at all in the eyes of Jesus.. He is in a very bad situation, one most people would consider ending it all over.. and he has often expressed this kind of depression. Yes, some of the problems are of his own making or at least he...
  20. discombobulated1

    Have you ever tried to help someone and he doesn't exactly appreciate it?

    HUH? I was agreeing w / you more/less until that last thing. We do NOT get what we want in life! I never really have, anyway. I mean, yeh, God has blessed me this way and that but I am far from getting all I want (then again, we shouldn't want for much...) Anyway.. I don't think the person I am...