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  1. Puritan_Jay

    Historicist Only The Philadelphian Church Era

    Philadelphia is one of only two church eras not rebuked by Christ. To argue that we have lived through the Philadelphian era already is reprehensible, given the gross errors of so-called Protestants of recent centuries who espouse Arminianism, or charismatic doctrines, the normative principle of...
  2. Puritan_Jay

    An Emergency Exposition of Revelation 11

    It's a "notion" that hopefully you will live to see begin later this decade. Daniel 7 does not make the Little Horn (which is the Papacy) a beast of its own, but rather a principal operator within the fourth beast system. It cannot be part of the fourth beast system and then, at the same time...
  3. Puritan_Jay

    An Emergency Exposition of Revelation 11

    You are conflating the Beasts. They are SELF IDENTIFIED in each chapter by the Crowns. I'm not conflating anything; rather, you are. The evil beasts in Apocalyptic prophecy are empires or blocs acting as proxies of Satan, but are not Satan himself. The Great Red Dragon of Rev 12 is not the...
  4. Puritan_Jay

    An Emergency Exposition of Revelation 11

    I think you're on the right track, but we live in Sardis, not Laodicea. There has been no Philadelphian era yet in which the Kingdom of Daniel 2:44 is to grow to fill every nation, and note that it does so at the expense of the ungodly governments, meaning, believers will ascend to power in...
  5. Puritan_Jay

    An Emergency Exposition of Revelation 11

    Maria, I am using the same terminology the old writers used, such as John Gill, Alexander Hislop and others who lived and wrote long before Dispensationalism was a thing. The issue we have today is that Christians have forsaken the writings and insights of the Reformers and 17th Century English...
  6. Puritan_Jay

    An Emergency Exposition of Revelation 11

    Maria, I *did* say it up front, in my opening comments.
  7. Puritan_Jay

    An Emergency Exposition of Revelation 11

    2025 is 1,260 years after AD 765, which was the year when the Donation of Pepin finally came into meaningful force, the Lombards having resisted the attempts at Papal rule in the intervening years after the Donation was initially made. This represented the Little Horn of Daniel 7 having 3...
  8. Puritan_Jay

    An Emergency Exposition of Revelation 11

    To the others, the whole reason I have written this exposition is to go back to Reformation principles in unlocking prophecy, not to revisit the dead-ends you are subscribed to. But you will almost certainly not look into this before the appointed time. The Two Witnesses is a metaphor for the...
  9. Puritan_Jay

    An Emergency Exposition of Revelation 11

    Maria, you didn't read or understand my post. I am opposed to futurism, I utterly abhor it. My position is historicist.
  10. Puritan_Jay

    An Emergency Exposition of Revelation 11

    Jesus is not coming back any time soon, and certainly not right after the Gog-Magog war (which is the opening act of , or trigger for, Armageddon). We are still in the Sardis church era, albeit right at its end, when the terrible chastening of Rev 3v3 comes for forsaking the Reformation's...
  11. Puritan_Jay

    An Emergency Exposition of Revelation 11

    I have written a free 300K+ word e-book (PDF) entitled An Emergency Exposition of Revelation 11, subtitled as Apocalyptic Events in the 21st Century, starting in the present third decade (Interpreted using Reformation & 17th Century English Puritan Principles). It is largely an update on the...