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  1. B

    A few questions for Protestants

    I do not mean to say that all doctrines are acceptable to God. That would not be true. Nor do I mean to count as among God's sheep those who knowingly teach things which are not Biblical. The example I would give is quite illustrative of what I mean: the Samaritan woman. The woman at the...
  2. B

    SDA please explain the failed prediction of Ellen White (SDA Prophet)

    At the moment, I am in no danger of this. Thank you for your concern.
  3. B

    SDA please explain the failed prediction of Ellen White (SDA Prophet)

    I could give you some nice materials that would help him through the process if he's open to seeing what the Bible actually says. There are a couple of mistranslated Bible verses that appear to point contrary to the rest of scripture, but when translated correctly, they align just fine. One of...
  4. B

    SDA please explain the failed prediction of Ellen White (SDA Prophet)

    I guess I'm late to this discussion, but here are my very brief remarks in answer to each of the false accusations. "Jerusalem" is the place where God chose to place His name. How did He do this? By the Temple. When the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem was given, as per Daniel's...
  5. B

    Flat Earth Theory.

    As I said earlier, and perhaps you're not catching the significance of this so I'll try to be more detailed this time, there are four texts in the Bible which give prophetic time formulas: two each for a day=year and two each for a day=thousand years. They are: Numbers 14:34; Psalm 90:4...
  6. B

    Flat Earth Theory.

    Because others do not understand the prophetic formula and dismiss it by saying things like "God is outside of time, so time is irrelevant to Him," it does not follow that we, who are Bereans, should take our lead from them. Of the four time-formula verses in the Bible, two eadh for a...
  7. B

    A few questions for Protestants

    Actually, the Catholic church was not immediately established. Nor was it the continuation of the apostles when it did establish itself. Do you know how Constantine "converted" his entire army? That was part of the impetus at the start of the Catholic church's formation. If, as it appears...
  8. B

    Flat Earth Theory.

    Yes, they did. If they didn't, then wouldn't God have lied? But God was counting the "day" by prophetic time following the thousand-year formula of Psalm 90:4 and 2 Peter 3:8. Adam did not live more than 1000 years--he lived only to 930. God was looking at it as a definite time period, i.e...
  9. B

    Flat Earth Theory.

    You would not like to know that the KJV is not a flawless translation (there is no such thing). As for myself, I very much enjoy learning and studying deeper; however, in the spirit of 1 Corinthians 14:38, I will respect your wish not to learn what the Bible actually says. Shalom.
  10. B

    Flat Earth Theory.

    You need to get out more and do a little observation. I would recommend visiting a public observatory, e.g. Palo Alto, CA, or Goldendale, WA, but you would probably say they were manufacturing the images at the other end and feeding you fiction. So I won't. I would recommend, instead, that...
  11. B

    Flat Earth Theory.

    If you examine the three texts I provided, you will notice that the Hebrew word "hug" applied to all three domains: heavens, earth, and waters. That should mean something. I am unaware of a word for "ball" in Hebrew--if you know of one, I am open to learning. The only verse in the KJV Bible...
  12. B

    Flat Earth Theory.

    Can you give me an example of this where "in the day" refers to an age? There are hundreds of occurrences of this expression, and what I am seeing is that it applies to a specific day, such as in the day they were created, in the day they ate of the fruit, etc. In Genesis 31:40 "bayyowm"...
  13. B

    I feel like giving up..

    I used to suffer a lot with depression. Maybe I still do sometimes. For me, the following things really helped (not necessarily in order of importance): 1) Adequate sunshine 2) Adequate sleep, esp. before midnight 3) Vitamin B12 4) Olive oil 5) Exercise / getting outdoors 6) Doing things to...
  14. B


    There is no "pre-tribulation" rapture. None of us will get to heaven ahead of our brethren. At this point in earth's history, we await Jesus' coming. When he comes in the clouds, he will raise the sleeping saints with the trumpet sound (1 Thessalonians 4:16), and after they have risen to meet...
  15. B

    Flat Earth Theory.

    Think about it. If Buzz had not gone to the moon, it would have been true that he was involved in a huge, fraudulent cover-up. And if he were involved in a huge, fraudulent cover-up, it would have been part of a larger conspiracy. And if he were part of a conspiracy so grand as this, he would...
  16. B

    Flat Earth Theory.

    I was thinking more along the lines of what is seen with respect to lifetimes, e.g. "and all the days of Adam were . . . ", and with respect to things like "in those days" (e.g. Gen. 6:4)--which does, as you have noted, have the bet prefix, meaning "in." There is also the expression "all the...
  17. B

    Flat Earth Theory.

    Genesis 1 gives no support such as you seek. In fact, the Trinity dogma is so biblical, that it is not allowed on this forum to challenge it, as I understand. I don't believe anyone is allowed to counter it here. Real truth needs no support of this nature--it can stand in the face of...
  18. B

    Flat Earth Theory.

    For the record, a small Hebrew lesson may help to clear up some ambiguities here. Hebrew words are not like English words: a single Hebrew word may require four or more words in English to give the same meaning. This is because the definite article, one or more pronominal affixes, and a...
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    Regarding the time of the resurrection: There are multiple resurrections indicated in the Bible. 1) Individual resurrections: Moses, the two by Elisha, Dorcas, Eutychus, and those done by Jesus (Lazarus, Jairus' daughter, etc.); 2) The firstfruits: those raised with Christ at his resurrection...
  20. B

    Flat Earth Theory.

    Sorry, I'm rather new here so I'm not sure what has been discussed: but relative to your remarks here, I've been studying Hebrew for over six years, so I know at least a few words. I'm still learning--it is a complex language. One word that Hebrew has which has no equivalent in English is a...