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  1. Rely_942

    Why C.S. Lewis Never Became a Catholic

    I'm almost wondering how bad the Church in Belfast was treating people in Lewis' early years. It's not that Lewis' experience is the typical one, it's just that I know in Galatians 2 (?) we see St. Paul have an argument with St. Fr. Peter over what appear to be ethnocentric tendencies in the...
  2. Rely_942

    Former SBC Discovers Greater Spiritual Discipline through the Holy Rosary

    Hey guys, (M29) as you probably have read in the title, I'm a former Southern Baptist that started questioning and drifting and found himself, of all places, thinking he was running from God, when in reality God was running to him. Let me fill you guys in, when I was almost a senior in high...
  3. Rely_942

    women as priests

    Oh I knew that last thing you wrote. I keep going up to get blessings week after week. Happy to. The Lord is good.
  4. Rely_942

    Hilarious thing happened when I went up to get the Eucharist

    Hi, male, age 29. I had a similar experience today at mass when I went up to get my blessing. I thought the guy was annoyed to see me again, coming up to get a blessing. (I'm telling you, the Devil loves to throw those kinds of thoughts at me, but I just consider it spiritual discipline...
  5. Rely_942

    women as priests

    Not sure either ... How many men does it take to screw in a light bulb? ... How many men does it take to go to the restroom together? ... (Hope that doesn't sound stupid...) ... How many men... does it take... to exegete one verse of Scripture correctly? ***Rant over*** And why don't my...
  6. Rely_942

    women as priests

    Not sure either... ... How many men does it take to screw in a light bulb? ... How many men does it take to go to the restroom together? ... (Hope that doesn't sound stupid...) ... How many men... does it take... to exegete one verse of Scripture correctly? ***Rant over***
  7. Rely_942

    women as priests

    Do men in churches read verse 11 and seriously think they don't have to apply it to themselves when they are in church/mass? By the way, I'm a male. We're seriously sounding a little chauvinistic right now. Not trying to hurt anyone's feelings. Appreciate you guys.
  8. Rely_942

    Please Read and Agree before Posting

    I have read and agreed to the SoP for this forum section. I ask Lord Jesus in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to give me the ability to be humble and the strength to be teachable. Amen. Appreciate you guys.
  9. Rely_942

    women as priests

    Hmm. Are there different kinds of Catholic churches in communion with the Vatican?
  10. Rely_942

    women as priests

    I was at a parish this Sunday that had female assistants administering the sacrament. I was blessed by one of them. They are assets to the church, and anyone who says they can't serve in any capacity really need to the think about what Mary said at the annunciation, "I am the Lord's servant...
  11. Rely_942

    The people in my church are not singing!!!

    Guys, I think worship is more than songs, prayers, beliefs, and ethics. I think it's all of that. Hope that makes sense. Appreciate you guys.
  12. Rely_942

    The people in my church are not singing!!!

    I like most of what you said. Sometimes repetition can be meditation on the truth. You have a good point though. A lot of churches are meditating on meaningless things. Appreciate you.
  13. Rely_942

    Register your affiliations so we can know you

    Okay, I understand and submit to that. What does OBOB stand for?
  14. Rely_942

    Register your affiliations so we can know you

    Okay, please cite the CCC numbers...
  15. Rely_942

    Why Protestants Convert To Catholicism

    Dern straight, and Protestants act like they don't understand the holiness of God at times. Treat people with a capitalist mentality.
  16. Rely_942

    Register your affiliations so we can know you

    I voted Moderate, Pro-Choice Democrat. Would I have a problem with gay marriage? Yes. Would I have a problem with gay members? No. Would I have a problem with a Priest having a history of homosexuality? No. Would I have a problem with clergy being actively and currently homosexual? Yes...
  17. Rely_942

    This is Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for June 2024

    I blame AI and automation of light industrial fields. We are literally choosing quick and easy ways to make money (if we have a Bachelor's degree or higher) over Imago Dei as a "Christian" society. And the reason for that is the lack of devotion toward toward the Divine Trinity and the saints...
  18. Rely_942

    Considering Catholicism, My introduction.

    Hey guys. Just call me R_942. I'm not comfortable with sharing my real name. I was raised Southern Baptist, but I recently have been interested in the Catholic church. Look forward to talking with you guys.