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  1. Laeomis

    Follow the feasts?

    Hi lollykh, In Matthew 5:18 Jesus Christ says that not one jot or tittle will pass from the law until heaven and earth disappear, until all things are accomplished. This is contradictory to Paul, who in order to advertise to the Gentiles removed legal restrictions but added even more commands...
  2. Laeomis

    I want to go to Heaven soon

    Hi @DavidTheGnome God bless you. There are two main suicides that I think about in the Bible: King Saul and Judas Iscariot. Both betrayed Jesus Christ in a way. Iscariot directly, and Saul by trying to kill David who is the Branch of Christ Revelation 22:16. I hope these stories can give...
  3. Laeomis

    I have a problem with Paul and his version of events.

    Yes, they are considered your children. Jesus Christ commanded to call no one on earth father Matthew 23:9, so the will to consider yourself their father must be paradoxically denied. This is not impossible, it just becomes platonic.
  4. Laeomis

    I have a problem with Paul and his version of events.

    Yes, he actually did. This is evident in Matthew 10:34-35 34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn “‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her...
  5. Laeomis

    I have a problem with Paul and his version of events.

    @CoreyD Here is one direct contradiction that Paul had with the teachings of Jesus Christ in the Gospel: Jesus says in Matthew 23:9 "And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven." But Paul says in 1 Timothy 5:1 "Do not rebuke an older man harshly...
  6. Laeomis

    I am new to this blog

    Thanks CoreyD, I didn't know that the thread had been moved there, I was confused about the thread title. I thought this was the only thread. Sorry.
  7. Laeomis

    Kali Linux

    I tried to install the new version of Ubuntu on my computer a few months ago to dual boot with Windows 11. This did not work out well. I could get linux to run, but it would not stay installed on a partition. I looked it up and some other people were complaining that Microsoft might be trying...
  8. Laeomis

    I am new to this blog

    Welcome Jero, I agree with the thread title. From what I understand what you are describing is not new. Some people follow the letters more than the Gospels and some people refer to this kind of Christian as a Pauline. Paul obviously contradicts Jesus multiple times in his letters. How I...
  9. Laeomis

    I am seeking answers on multiple questions about Christianity as a muslim that is curious and lost

    Hi Girl, I've read two different versions of the Quran and many versions of the Bible, so I'll try to answer your questions. From my understanding Islam came about 600 AD while Christianity was formed before 300 AD making Islam an alternative to Christianity. I felt from reading the Quran...
  10. Laeomis

    Abortion poll

    A lot of things have come to light since the overturning of Roe V. Wade. Something I've come to realize while watching the news is that unexpected circumstances are occurring. One of these concerns the miscarriage laws in Exodus 21:22-25 22 “If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and...
  11. Laeomis

    Our Military Is Weak. That Should Scare You

    Yes, I disagree with your view but I don't think it matters. As long as you are sincere for your love of God, then all things will work out no matter our differences in interpretation (Romans 8:28).
  12. Laeomis

    Our Military Is Weak. That Should Scare You

    I have trouble completely believing in this. I believe it is up to the individual, but nation by nation judgement is delivered. It's everyone's responsibility to help their country in righteousness as much as they can. If your whole nation sins, then I guess the alternative is to leave it...
  13. Laeomis

    There`s no quick fix to feeling good (not even Jesus)

    I'd rather be alone, wait for Jesus, and hate everyone (Luke 14:25-27).
  14. Laeomis

    Can you be Christian and believe in evolution?

    There are a few things I look at when contemplating evolution and the scriptures. First of all, in Genesis 1, God did not even create the Sun and Moon until the fourth day of creation. This means that the first three days were not 'days' as in the 24 hour days we know of now. These days were...
  15. Laeomis

    Our Military Is Weak. That Should Scare You

    Throughout the Bible it is referenced that the nations are separate. Jesus Christ will judge between the nations like a shepherd separates sheep from goats (King James Version, Matthew 25:32). Therefore, it is important to take care of your own nation and make sure it appears acceptable before...
  16. Laeomis

    Our Military Is Weak. That Should Scare You

    When I read your first post I didn't read it very carefully. I only read half of it and realized you said something different after I replied, but it was too late. Regardless if that was the law, it was the law the priests could not join the army. King David had the power to make priests out...
  17. Laeomis

    Our Military Is Weak. That Should Scare You

    Hi linux.poet, A great question that churches go through is whether the law is completely absolved by Jesus Christ or not. Paul seems to think it is, but in the Gospel that Paul did not have the law still is. Christ says that the law will last until earth and heaven pass away, and all things...
  18. Laeomis

    Fear of what if God is evil or I’m evil can’t explain

    This would be an opportunity to pray for the wisdom that James prescribes (James 1:5). Concerning what is good, Jesus Christ said that everyone is evil including himself. The only thing that can be purely good is God himself. He reveals this in the parable with the unfortunate rich man in...
  19. Laeomis

    Our Military Is Weak. That Should Scare You

    There's the priesthood, and there's the military. Jesus has the power to turn ordinary men into priests (Revelation 1:6). He says he has not come to bring peace to the world, but to bring a sword: (Matthew 10:34-39) 34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not...
  20. Laeomis

    I hate Repent of your sins to be Saved. it is a false gospel, lie from the pit of hell

    I think if anyone is truly sincere about their love for Jesus Christ, then they will end up repenting anyway.