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  1. Joseph G

    How to know that it is God talking to you - an example.

    Awesome! "Perhaps the most important lesson was that He does communicate with me. Prayer is a two-way conversation, not just one-way. When we go to Him for wisdom, He gives it... liberally, and without criticism (James 1:5). All we have to do is trust Him and walk in the path He lights...
  2. Joseph G

    I need prayer

    Prayed for you, Jean. Remember that Jesus Himself is the "Author and Finisher of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2) which means He is the One who takes the initiative for our growth. We can best do our part by daily seeking Him in Bible study and prayer. Be patient with Him and with yourself, and find...
  3. Joseph G

    How to know that it is God talking to you - an example.

    He confirms it, sometimes in a humorous way. A while back I was having a day where I felt I was being attacked in every possible way - physically, mentally, and spiritually. This had been going on for some time but this day I was feeling that it was all just too much to bear. I was praying...
  4. Joseph G

    Condemning the devil for slander?

    Alex, I understand where you're coming from. But are you suggesting that I shouldn't ask my brothers and sisters for help in clarifying how I present the Gospel and encourage the Brethren? I've asked an honest question and I need help in discerning God's will on this concern.
  5. Joseph G

    I committed the unpardonable sin

    Agreed, absolutely 100%. Aliemikeyj, I am the epitome of the Prodigal Son. I fell away for almost 30 years, and God drew me back and fully restored me to fellowship with Him. If you are still in doubt about yourself, I would be happy to arm wrestle with you via pm on who has committed the...
  6. Joseph G

    Condemning the devil for slander?

    Would appreciate some insight on a question I have. In Scripture it says this: Jude 1:8-10 NIV "In the very same way, on the strength of their dreams these ungodly people pollute their own bodies, reject authority and heap abuse on celestial beings. But even the archangel Michael, when he was...
  7. Joseph G

    Furry escape artists
  8. Joseph G

    I wish I were a believer, but...

    Hello, quibbler! You are certainly welcome here. You strike me as an honest seeker. My prayer for you is that you would receive Jesus' gift of faith in Him unto salvation. Just a verse to encourage you that your seeking is good, you are on the right track, and that one day you will delight...
  9. Joseph G

    I want to go to Heaven soon

    Still praying for you, David, especially for God to give you greater discernment between His voice (which convicts to set us free, and encourages), from the legalistic, condemning voice of the Accuser of the Brethren. Something I have to ask God for every day. God bless!
  10. Joseph G

    My mental health…

    You aren't alone. God understands how you feel. You and I aren't the first to feel this way: Psalm 44:5 NIV "Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God." And part of the reason we feel this...
  11. Joseph G

    All Because Of Mercy - Casting Crowns

    All Because Of Mercy - Casting Crowns I could stand here And try to tell you I found my way here on my own Brought to life this heart of stone Made up my own mind To change my own life Working my own way to good As if anybody could But the truth is I've been broken since my very first breath...
  12. Joseph G

    I’m not sure if I should try anymore

    Still praying for you, Aliemikeyj. If you think you are beyond redemption, I want to also assure that you are not - this from the chief of sinners and the ultimate prodigal son. Yes, I too sinned great sins even after knowing and receiving Him. And while being disciplined when He was drawing...
  13. Joseph G

    Understanding the Trinity

    Just an added thought to this discussion... Scripture says that God is love. If there was no other Separate Person for Him to love, then it means He only has Himself to love, rendering the definition of love meaningless. So He has His eternal Son to love. What connects them together? The...
  14. Joseph G

    Possibly Narcissistic Friend is driving me INSANE

    Just a little additional suggestion for us all to consider. We are all 'narcissists' in our sinful nature - it's why we have to deny ourselves daily, so He can love through us and direct us on our path by His Spirit. Embracing that reality enables us to love our neighbor, our enemies, and all...
  15. Joseph G

    Please pray for my beloved chicken

    Oh I just had to look this up, and by golly... Revelation 5:13-14 Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and...
  16. Joseph G

    Does Luke 14:26 teach literal hate? And more..

    From a commentary found here: Does Luke 14;26 teach literal hate? Would appreciate your responses and insight... The subject here is the word for hate, which is the Greek miseo. One Skeptic is typical of critics when he writes: In line with this comment, Skeptics will stress the meaning of...
  17. Joseph G

    Pray for women in prison please

    Thanks Alex, I sent a dm to Jesse.
  18. Joseph G

    Pray for women in prison please

    Yah, I haven't found a way to convert vid from Facebook where all can view. Only rarely can I find the same vid on youtube to lnk here. Any technical gurus out there that can provide a solution? Thanks for joining in prayer folks
  19. Joseph G

    How do you politely turn away a Jehovah Witness at your door?

    How about saying "I'm already JW, get off my lawn!" (clears throat)... just kidding. Sorta...
  20. Joseph G

    Funny animals

    More funny animals...