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  1. JoeyVimsanteThePoet

    I Support World Peace.

    I hope peace wins. I think Jesus was brave and supported peace. That is my view anyway.
  2. JoeyVimsanteThePoet

    Here Is A Grey Squirrel In Great Britain.

    I like grey squirrels. They can be cute animals. Thanks. They are found in Great Britain. This was a picture I took.
  3. JoeyVimsanteThePoet

    Here Is A Grey Squirrel In Great Britain.

  4. JoeyVimsanteThePoet

    Back to the Future audiobook

    I love Back to the Future. It is very clever as a film series.
  5. JoeyVimsanteThePoet

    Star Wars OR Star Trek?

    Star Wars and Star Trek are very creative and imaginative. Even if sometimes the morality can be different to mine. Science fiction is an amazing genre.
  6. JoeyVimsanteThePoet

    Flat Earth Theory.

    What does everyone think of the Flat Earth Theory? I have read some books on the subject. I am convinced the Earth is round. I tend to go with the mainstream views.
  7. JoeyVimsanteThePoet

    Did Men Really Walk On The Moon?

    I think the USA did sent people to the Moon. Neil Armstrong was the first person on the Moon.
  8. JoeyVimsanteThePoet

    MLS V Scottish, Welsh, English, and Irish Clubs.

    MLS V Scottish, Welsh, English, and Irish Clubs. I would like there to be a a serious competitive trophy between MLS, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, and English clubs at football - soccer. I would love Scottish clubs like Aberdeen, Glasgow Celtic, Glasgow Rangers, Heart of Midlothian, Hibernian...
  9. JoeyVimsanteThePoet

    Dumbest Jokes of All Time

    I like to talk to my boss at at 12.59. I like one to one time with my boss.
  10. JoeyVimsanteThePoet

    Dumbest Jokes of All Time

    What is green, flies, and wobbles? A jellycopter.
  11. JoeyVimsanteThePoet

    Dumbest Jokes of All Time

    Here is a joke about a Mute Swan. Knock Knock. Who's there? ...........
  12. JoeyVimsanteThePoet

    I Support World Peace.

    We need peace everywhere on the planet. We need human rights, freedom, democracy, equality, and tolerance everywhere on Earth. I support peace in Russia, Ukraine, the European Union, the USA, Australia, China, India, Africa, Brazil, Canada, Switzerland, New Zealand, and the Middle East. We need...
  13. JoeyVimsanteThePoet

    Abolishing the British Monarchy

    I think that King Charles III has not been as controversial as some suspected he would be. He has not talked much about politics.
  14. JoeyVimsanteThePoet

    Israel, Palestine and Hamas real history vs news story lines

    I beg and pray for peace. We need a World of peace and love.