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  1. T

    Why is fornication a sin ?

    I think you need to enjoy reading scripture. Learn to harmonize it together. It is sin because God says it is sin. No sex outside of Husband and Wife. Period. Peace and Blessings.
  2. T

    Tatoos a Sin?

    Tattoos scream look at me and my temporary feelings!!! They Glorify the Self. No different than wearing clothing that Glorifies the self. Like drugs and potentially alcohol. Sin? In one way the bible is silent on them within the NT. But Not for me that is for sure. And not for minors whose...
  3. T

    Not satisfied with the answers regarding God allowing suffering

    God is about Free will. Free will is about being able to make your own decisions. About gaining wisdom. You cannot have free will or wisdom without suffering. Would you prefer to give up free will? Maybe it is not suffering you are having a challenge with. Maybe there is no Joy. If you...
  4. T

    If you believe the Blessed Virgin Mary sinned...

    I stated this because the poster is stating that their belief and that of the RCC is that Sex is never for pleasure. Please correct the other poster if you disagree. I know what God created sex for. Procreation and Intimacy between a husband and wife. Why do you insist on including 'lust' with...
  5. T

    If you believe the Blessed Virgin Mary sinned...

    No I did not. You misrepresented yourself and left it up to others to weed through your statements to find the truth you eventually got to. You lump love and sex into Lust. There is yours and the RCC first problem. Sex is to be enjoyable. Not a process. You insert lust. When no one is talking...
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    If you believe the Blessed Virgin Mary sinned...

    Just Red Hearings, strawmen, circular arguments, exaggerations, etc. Your statements can't stand on their own. So you point out shadows to obfuscate and de-clarify the topic and context. You introduce your own false arguments over and over and then use them to attempt to demonstrate the truth...
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    If you believe the Blessed Virgin Mary sinned...

    I do not care about any Apocrypha/none-breathed. They are not scripture. They are not even looked at as holy scripture by the Jews. Peace and Blessings.
  8. T

    If you believe the Blessed Virgin Mary sinned...

    Matthew 1:25 New American Bible (Revised Edition) 25 He had no relations with her until she bore a son,[a] and he named him Jesus. Implies they had a sexual relationship after Jesus. RCC does not expect scripture to actually state Mary and Joseph a had XYZ type of intercourse do you? Peace...
  9. T

    If you believe the Blessed Virgin Mary sinned...

    Where is the vow of perpetual chastity? Peace and Blessings
  10. T

    If you believe the Blessed Virgin Mary sinned...

    You come from a position of Mary, Queen of Heaven. You come from a position of Sexual relations between a husband and wife make them unclean, dirty, or unsanctified. Exactly. Faith in the RC Church over Scripture. The Jews expected Jesus to reign over the world. They were wrong. So RCC came...
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    If you believe the Blessed Virgin Mary sinned...

    It is not truth. It is the official position of the Roman Catholic Church that Jesus’ mother Mary remained a virgin for her entire life. Is this concept biblical? Before we look at specific Scriptures, it is important to understand why the Roman Catholic Church believes in the perpetual...
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    If you believe the Blessed Virgin Mary sinned...

    So now your agenda is finally revealed. Joseph and Mary never had sexual intercourse. So much obfuscation. Peace and Blessings
  13. T

    If you believe the Blessed Virgin Mary sinned...

    You have a fun time discussing things with yourself then. No real point in responding to you in the first play let alone any more. Peace and Blessings
  14. T

    If you believe the Blessed Virgin Mary sinned...

    What? Why did the prophet, Isaiah, refer to Mary by the title "the virgin" as opposed to "a virgin," if Her virginal vow was to be temporary? Why did Mary need to be a virgin in order to conceive and raise God Incarnate? Why did Mary ask the angel, Gabriel, "How is this possible when I know...
  15. T

    If you believe the Blessed Virgin Mary sinned...

    Poor premise to start with. I have never heard anyone stay mary 'activly' sinned. This makes it sound as if Mary lived in Sin. What people typically believe is that Mary never sinned and did not need a savior. Or Mary was a sinner just like us and needed a savior just like us. 1- The Virgin...
  16. T

    I hate Repent of your sins to be Saved. it is a false gospel, lie from the pit of hell

    Please provide scripture for Purging of the wickedness. Heave does not exist? Hell does not exist? I have not spoken of the assurance that all will somehow be ultimately saved. God has a plan 'where' all might be saved. But they are not forced into it. He offers. Please, where is this...
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    I hate Repent of your sins to be Saved. it is a false gospel, lie from the pit of hell

    Roman Catholic Latin speakers? For the Apocrypha? The translators of the KJ were multi-lingual and they did not translate from Latin for the NT, they translated from Greek and some Aramaic. One would have to know Greek and Aramaic and English to be a translator from Greek and Aramaic to English...
  18. T

    I hate Repent of your sins to be Saved. it is a false gospel, lie from the pit of hell

    That would also preclude parts of revelation where names are blotted out or not found in the book. I do not like the 'sinner's prayer' either. It never covers the important things. It is usually filled with: Ask Jesus into your heart, Repent of your sins, etc. One does not pray to God for their...
  19. T

    Modest Dress for Women.

    A lot of people at my church, men, wear suits. I don't own a suit. Alot of the women wear dresses. My wife mostly does. Sunday morning is much more formal. Sunday night is much more formal. Wednesday night is much more relaxed. I heard once a lady that was talked to because she brought...
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    Modest Dress for Women.

    Christians use their actions to dictate feelings. We are not to let our feelings dictate our actions. Regardless, you refuse to make a clarifying statement to clear it up. That is not on others. That is your decision. Peace and Blessings