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    Polish archbishop urges pope to resist German church demands

    I think it’s time to listen to persecuted cardinals more so than bored cardinals in peaceful countries. Remember the biblical story of King David and his greatest sin. When the king should’ve been supporting the troops at the front he would rather spend his time eyeing forbidden fruit (aka...
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    Muslims invading Italy

    Precisely! I’ve witnessed it first hand in Norway for more than a decade already. The more liberal a church becomes, the emptier it gets. No one cares about it anymore. They’re just as liberal as the rest of the society, but more boring. It’s a shame that the Catholic Church chooses to go down...
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    [Haynes] Vatican releases joint statement with Buddhists

    It was meant as ice cold irony. I totally catch your drift. It’s sad with all the rubbish coming out from the Vatican these days. The popes list of committed sins are very worrying, but what’s even more disturbing is all those who still follow him blindly into error. Challenging times! Lord...
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    [Haynes] Vatican releases joint statement with Buddhists

    No, but Catho-bud-Islamists. Don’t be hard on yourself, it’s an easy mistake to make. Universalism is a wide and comfortable road to walk. Just don’t think about where it leads, focus on the road not the destination.
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    Unprecedented since the Council: Schneider Issues Canonical Catechism Against Modern Errors

    Yup, seeing how despotism is running wild in the church you’d be smart to grab your copy of it and run.
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    Bishop Strickland to lead Rosary rally outside US Catholic bishops’ meeting this Wednesday

    May Gods will once again become apparent in the church. Bishop Strickland is fighting on the right side of history, the pope is not.
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    2024 will be Year of Prayer, says Pope

    I’ll be praying for a new conclave as soon as possible, and for shepherds like bishop Strickland who stands by the truth in times of trial. And I’ll be praying for that the entire 2024 if needed.
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    The Holy Father has relieved from the pastoral governance of the Diocese of Tyler (U.S.A.) H.E. Msgr. Joseph E. Strickland

    Totalitarianism on display by a pope that advertises for an “open minded church”. Then he goes on and removes anyone who dislikes the pontiff and/ or his theological fallacies. Hypocrite!
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    Favorite Book in the Bible

    My two favorite books are both from the New Testament. The Gospel of John and the acts by St. Luke. I really love all the images Christ evokes as he’s preaching. All the “-I am…” statements really hits my heart, I particularly love John 11:25-26 (RSV): 25 Jesus said to her, “- I am the...
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    Clapping during Mass

    Which is the word I chose to begin with, isn’t it? ;)
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    Clapping during Mass

    How do you think he expressed himself, Jim? Do you find it likely for a priest to literally tell parishioners to “-mind their own business” when asked about “why this and that” concerning liturgical matters? Do the math. Priests are highly educated men, often rich on cultural capital.
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    Clapping during Mass

    I did years ago, but basically got the answer: “-mind your own business”. Now a days I notice, I pray for the priest and the parish, and I’ll leave it at that.
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    Clapping during Mass

    Don’t get me started on the concept of “extraordinary eucharistic ministers”! The priest in my local parish often times hold the mass, but sits still while laypeople administers holy communion to the faithful. What a scandal! I could understand it, but not condone it, if there was a full packed...
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    Clapping during Mass

    I wish mass was better, so I fancy quality over quantity any day. No more clapping, and no more guitars nor piano, AND definitely no more versus populum. SMH
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    Clapping during Mass

    Applause is just as annoying to me as the practice of holding hands during “pater noster” and “the handshake of peace”. All of which should be abandoned the sooner rather than later. If you go back and look through the missals prior to Vatican II you’ll see no such things occurring at all...
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    Alarm in the Vatican at ever decreasing attendance at Papal events

    Why would people leave room in their busy schedules when all they ever get is just another mouthful of progressive hogwash from the pope? It’s redundant. The people always need something in return for their investments, that goes for time spending as much as it does for finances. The take away...
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    Clapping during Mass

    You get ad orientem totally wrong. Your take on ad orientem is a common theological misconception often held by progressive Catholics. Thing is, the priest faces God and works as a high priest during ad orientem celebrations. It’s not his back that is of interest, but rather his front. His focal...
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    GREAT martyr JAN HUS

    The muslims were pushing against the boarders of Christian Europe, and Spain had fallen. Shortly after the trials and following execution of Jan Huus came the fall of the Byzantine empire at the hands of the Ottoman’s. It’s safe to say, and fair to assume that the church saw herself as...
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    Pope’s Directive on Same-Sex Blessings Emphasizes Persons, Not Unions, Theologians Say

    That says a lot about the current era of the church. Before any ultramonatists jump the gun: I don’t hate the pope nor do I particularly dislike the person currently inhabiting the Holy See. It’s just that I feel my faith being weakened every time I read something from the papal office, or the...
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    A troubling confession - Extra ecclesiam nulla salus!

    Precisely, and this is where a distinction between heretics and separated brethren has to be made. Heretics grew up in the church and knew her theology, but decided to follow their own ideas and fragile mind into a willful rejection of the Holy Spirit. Hubris took the place of the Holy Spirit in...