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Search results

  1. H

    Does anyone know if this is OCD or God?

    You know, it's very easy to say, and not at all easy to apply, but I have learned that whenever an impulse comes over you that makes you tormented, agitated, angry, disturbed, it's NOT FROM GOD.
  2. H

    The Pain of Being Estranged from Family

    1) They don't need anything from me. They are self-supporting adults who make a lot of money, have houses, marriages, cars, and other things. There is nothing they need from me. Anything they need from me spiritually is something they can get elsewhere. Even if I am a Christian, there are...
  3. H

    The Pain of Being Estranged from Family

    I get what you're saying. The estrangement acutely happened in 2011. It happened because I said some things about the past and our family history that were not entirely true but which were dramatic and it caused others to distance themselves from me. The thing that is hard for me is, yes, I...
  4. H

    The Pain of Being Estranged from Family

    Hi Maria. That may be historically true, but the problem we get into with family estrangements is that people pigeonhole you into a box based on who you were as a child, adolescent or young adult, and then do not give you the benefit of the doubt of change. When you find yourself holding...
  5. H

    The Pain of Being Estranged from Family

    It being Christmas season, I know there's a lot of pain going on over family estrangement. I have been estranged from many family members for like 12 years. I know in a way it's justified because I have done things that have been wrong and have hurt others, but there is something specific I'm...
  6. H

    Does anyone know if this is OCD or God?

    Well, God does a lot for me, although I cling to Him really as a coping mechanism. Like a lot of people with mental health challenges, and maybe also like you, I've had a challenging life at times. The grace of having a mental illness is that God becomes paramount in your life. What God has...
  7. H

    Does anyone know if this is OCD or God?

    I've had a variety of mental conditions and I have to say, OCD is the worst. If anything, I would like a warning from God if I am starting to think something that isn't good. The good news is that lately he does that. I would always like a warning before thinking something that is going to...
  8. H

    Sinful Thoughts Relieve Stress

    Hi MoreThanConqueror, it is well established that a root of men looking at material that isn't good is to relieve stress. The pressures of life can add up. Even when I am successful in not engaging in material that is harmful, which is really impossible in today's world, I still feel driven to...
  9. H

    John Nelson Darby and the Novelty Factor

    I have read a lot about the pre-trib rapture being false because "no one taught it or believed it" until John Nelson Darby started teaching it in the 1800's. This view is promoted a lot by people who denounce the pre-trib rapture view. It reminds me a lot of the view that Protestantism has no...
  10. H

    I definitely have a problem.

    Fantastic advice. I was obsessed with video games when I was younger. I could never, EVER substitute video games for the enjoyment I get from working out. It's not always "sexy" nor is it free from pain but the way you feel afterwards is like nothing a video game or a TV could give you.
  11. H

    My sexual orientation is eating away at my faith

    I have a similar story to the OP. In my case, I was exposed to things pretty early, forced by girls a little older than me when I was a boy, and then consistently drugged and raped by a much, much older man when I was 17 through 19. As a result, I have a pretty disordered and unhealthy...
  12. H

    Can't sort through the noise

    Hi there. I know this post was made two and a half years ago, but it doesn't hurt to respond, because who knows who will read it. If you're still here, just know that I have been going through the SAME thing for almost 13 years. It sounds like you had some kind of psychotic break or manic...
  13. H

    Hamas-Israel News Thread

    Israel is toast at this point without the Lord. With every civilian death, a new terrorist is created, like Joseph Z implied. They could pull back I suppose, but that would create more problems than continuing. Continuing means more death and misery. As Joseph mentioned, the anger from the...
  14. H

    Hamas-Israel News Thread

    From what you guys have posted, it seems like Israel has killed many more civilians since I last saw the news. Last I saw, the Palestinians on TV were talking about the Israeli genocide in Gaza. Genocide was a word I kept hearing over and over again, and about 7,000 civilians had been killed...
  15. H

    Hamas-Israel News Thread

    Yep. And to destroy Gaza means the end of Israel. Everyone knows it. Without God, that is.
  16. H

    Hamas-Israel News Thread

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
  17. H

    Hamas-Israel News Thread

    Did you guys know that Hamas and particularly Hezbollah traffic drugs to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in the Western hemisphere? I thought it surprising because I thought these were pure Islamic mujahideen who were intent on honoring Allah by cleansing the land of those filthy...
  18. H

    Hamas-Israel News Thread

    As an addendum: as stated, the operation that started this war is "Al Aqsa Flood." The entire reason for this war, and for this thread, is the temple mount. So it's actually very relevant, and the issues involved there are intimately connected with the entire Jewish enterprise in Israel and...