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  1. SloopidyBoop

    Christian documentary?

    In the "Truth Project" Dr. Dell Tacket asked a question that rocked me to my core. He asked "Do you believe, that what you believe is really, real?" And this question has lead me on many adventures of Godly discovery. There is a growing desire in my soul to be involved in the creation of a...
  2. SloopidyBoop

    How can I use my gifts for God?

    I don't think you're tooting your own horn. Shucks! I'm 43 and I have no gift. I am glad you found something God wants you to do. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like for God to tell me to do something like all the other people. Seems like everyone has a cool thing where God sent them...
  3. SloopidyBoop

    I have 2 questions

    Whaddya know? I have a friend who is retired military and he is writing a book about a biblical case for self defense.
  4. SloopidyBoop

    Your Go-To Book or Chapter from the Bible?

    I gotta go with Romans 6 this is a good chapter to lay out once and for all how to live a faith filled life successfully. And 1Corinthians 11 in the last half. Instructions for the Lord's supper/eucharist. Love it.
  5. SloopidyBoop

    "Unto death... Let there be life."

    "In the same way love your wife the way Christ loved the Church, and gave Himself up for her." There are many conflicts that we have to face on the daily, and often times I convince myself that it is all unfair. But I forget the purpose of man is to sacrifice willingly and silently the way...
  6. SloopidyBoop

    Hi CF!

    Welcome back km. :-)
  7. SloopidyBoop


    Looking forward to learning with you. Thanks for being here!
  8. SloopidyBoop

    Introduction Myself

    Welcome! Glad to meet you!
  9. SloopidyBoop

    A protestant view of the Didache?

    Wow Psalti I am really digging what you're putting down here. I am glad you jumped in on this!
  10. SloopidyBoop

    A protestant view of the Didache?

    Very true, as I read this I understand, it doesn't profess to be the Word of God, but points to it. There are places where we can see some expansion sure. But it doesn't "Argue" with scripture. Whatcha think?
  11. SloopidyBoop

    People in their 30's

    Now that I am in my 40's I just laugh maniacally and throw my hands up "I have no idea, maybe he knows he looks neat!"
  12. SloopidyBoop

    Finding a church?

    I dunno. I mean I wish we could go find out together. My story is a lot like your's, but I have just spent more time in church. Until COVID hit and my church shut down and I just... Didn't go back. Asked Jesus for help for a while and settled on a little Christian Reformed Church. Seems to be...
  13. SloopidyBoop

    Heyyo! New guy.....

    Thanks very very nice!
  14. SloopidyBoop

    St. Polycarp, Who Learned the Faith From an Apostle, Did Not Believe in ‘Faith Alone’

    Raised a protestant it seems to me that faith and works are inseparable. Faith alone does not work, and work alone does not faith. For a man speaks and acts out of his heart. And if God has given him a new heart he will both speak and act as a new man. A true religious will hold these truths...
  15. SloopidyBoop

    Lives of the Saints

    I feel similar. Sometimes I psychologically reach across church lines to try to feel what the rest of my family feels when they believe. I know that my denomination was wrong on some things, and right on others. I see some of these stories and I think they are very inspirational, I don't pray to...
  16. SloopidyBoop

    Lives of the Saints

    Thank you. I am glad to be here learning and asking questions. It's a real blessing. I am unfamiliar with the stories of the saints. I was raised Orthodox Christian Reformed. And we never learned of them. It is very interesting to hear these stories.
  17. SloopidyBoop

    Lives of the Saints

    Wow those certainly are relaxing. That woman's voice on the newest video is crazy calm.
  18. SloopidyBoop

    A protestant view of the Didache?

    ....... Well that like, really helped me out, thanks y'all. I'm glad you gave me your take This is actually a really good exercise in discernment. Remembering two things when looking at this text. #1 Resting on the truth of the Holy Bible and weighing the truth claims of these other writings...
  19. SloopidyBoop

    A protestant view of the Didache?

    Yes! This is exactly what I was thinking! Whatever my denominational presuppositions. The end all truth is this: if any future theologians were to find a book stores worth of our modern Christian writings, they would be called non canonical and or pseudo-Epigraphy. Contrariwise we have...
  20. SloopidyBoop

    A protestant view of the Didache?

    Very good point ☝️ I have seen this also from writings and commentaries today. Solis scriptural is my upbringing. And I am interested to see How the Word will judge it. Strange that catholicism claims it as catechism since it is pre Catholic.