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Search results

  1. O

    Simple Prayers To Jesus For Help With Mental Health Problems | Meditations On The Love Of Jesus Christ

    This is become something of a running theme with me. I wrote some more prayers long and short for help with mental health problems - incluing issues of addiction. I don't really want to go into the ins and outs of my own situation. Maybe suffice it to say: too much attempt at self-reliance...
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    You must be as a child to enter heaven - Prayers for adult children?

    Hi. I've been thinking over the last week or so about how you must become as a child to enter heaven. I've written a few pieces. I suppose I have been contrasting my sense of myself as an adult now (I am 49) with how I was when I was a child - which I hardly remember - and as a teenager - when I...
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    Prayer For Alcoholism | Meditastions on the Love of Jesus Christ

    I wrote a piece about praying to Jesus and also Mary for help with alcohol. This is quite personal, and this is the first bit of what I wrote today. I am especially struck with the thought of asking for help from a higher power - acknowledging that a part of the problem is my attempt at...
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    Tongues Of Fire | The Church At Pentecost

    Hi I wrote this essay today. I was trying to simplify all the theology down to a basic narrative implying prayer - with the thought of prayerful preparation for Pentecost. My idea was to draw upon what others have said and to say very little myself - beyond the actual prayers. I found it...
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    Meditations On The Love Of Jesus Christ In The Garden Of Gethsemane

    Hey. With Holy Week coming up, I thought I'd write some meditations. I find this helpful to me - I mean the writing - and at the same time the praying. I put them up on my website. I find myself particularly drawn to meditation upon Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. I don't know why, but I find...
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    Can you guys provide some information regarding the evidence of Jesus's Existence

    Begin in Nazareth. Take it from there. Enjoy! By the way, you'll find people telling you that Nazareth was a made-up town and that Nazareth is a corruption of Nazarene - and so on. This is bull-twaddle. xOl
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    A reading of the martydom of Stephen in the context of Lent

    Hi. I've been working on my website - so this is shameless self-publicity and I hope you guys and gals engage with my work etc. That said, in the context of Lent, I've been reading a book called Between Cross And Resurrection: A Theology Of Holy Saturday. Look it up. It is astonishing - and I...
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    The Body of Christ at Work

    That's beautiful.
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    Under what circumstances is the Scripture the 'Word of God'

    No - your argument misses the point - the point of Jesus Christ, the point of Truth. The point is to disturb. The point is for Jesus to be throwing all over the place the benches of the money-lenders in the Temple. The point is that when Jesus' followers followed Jesus into Jerusalem, they were...
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    False Teachers Giving Permission to Sin

    And how do we ascertain the truth and help others to do so? So much that is evil in this world is in political and economic power and claims Jesus - while revelling in the love of money and in environmental and human and social destruction. So many of those doing most wrong claim the Gospel.
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    Under what circumstances is the Scripture the 'Word of God'

    I was thinking that the Bible as a whole is the word of God - and Jesus the Word incarnate. That does not mean we are supposed to look to the Bible texts as being 'literally' true. This would entail a rather bizarre set of misreadings, impositions and category errors. The Bible is inspired...
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    What is the "official" Bible of the Catholic Church? The KJV or Douay-Rheims?

    Hi. The New Vulgate is the official Latin text - which replaces the old/original Vulgate. The Greek Septuagint is a worthy source, and includes books which are not found in the Hebrew Bible. In each region/language, there will be a version of the Bible which is used in church at Mass. So, for...
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    What Order Should a New Christian Read the Bible in?

    Hi. I'd start by recommending/choosing a good translation. My favourite by far in modern English is the RSV - Revised Standard Version. It is very clear and yet captures something of the rhythms of the King James Version. It is theologically orthodox/correct. For first readings, I'd tend to...
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    King Herod - I was confused so I put this together

    So I wanted to clarify in my own mind who the various Herods were. This is what I came up with. I hope this may be useful to others. Here it is: There were several individuals named Herod who played significant roles in ancient history, particularly in the history of the Roman Empire and the...
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    Daily Bible Verses Advent & Christmas | Fourth Sunday Of Advent | Hail Mary, Full Of Grace, The Lord Is With You

    This is a little bit ahead of time. I just think it's beautiful though. My audio here: Oliver Peers It is stunning - this bit. xOl Luke 1: 26-38 – 4th Sunday of Advent Year B, also 20th December Weekday (Audio Bible, Spoken Word) 26 And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God...
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    Parables of Jesus - I would love your interactions on this

    Hey. I've been posting my readings of and reflections upon the parables of Jesus. What I have been doing is to articulate for myself the parables as the herald of Jesus and the Kingdom. I'd appreciate all feedback. Here is a thought and here is a link: [Here is a link to my audio - my...
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    Daily Bible Verses | Christian Faith | The Baptism Of The Lord | Sin And Prayer | Jesus Is Baptized

    Hi I've been putting together some audio daily Bible verses with a devotional reflection for Advent. I hope you might like to read. Here is the url for this reflection, where the audio can be heard: https://wordaloud.co.uk/audio/kjv/d...is-baptized/audio-bible-lectio-divina-advent/ I'm...