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  1. S

    is it sinful to use a computer which has played sinful content, phone or even going to a market where the music lyrics are possbily blasphemic??

    Hi! I neeeeed help!! I can't seem to use a computer which I know has played sinful music, has had sinful content shown on it even accidentally. My conscience is still weak and I'm having such a hard time finding Bible verses to make my conscience stronger.. I know we are in the world and are...
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    Is it sinful to use a computer/phone which has played sinful music, has viewed sinful content, etc?

    Hi! I neeeeed help!! I can't seem to use a computer which I know has played sinful music, has had sinful content shown on it even accidentally. My conscience is still weak and I'm having such a hard time finding Bible verses to make my conscience stronger.. I know we are in the world and are...
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    Help with Evangelism through social media

    Posted this without realizing! Here is the updated thread I meant to post! :)) Help with Evangelism through social media -- (what may be some Biblical guidelines?)
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    Help with Evangelism through social media -- (what may be some Biblical guidelines?)

    Hi! I have been thinking that I would love to help people around me learn about The Truth Jesus speaks of and so, because of the world many of us live in today and so many people being present in social media, I wonder if it would be okay to share what Jesus says and posting it in my social...
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    Help with Evangelism through social media

    Hi! I have been thinking that I would love to help people around me learn about The Truth Jesus speaks of and so, because of the world that we live in today and so many people being present in social media, I wonder if it would be okay to share what Jesus says and posting it in my social media...
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    Where can I find someone with the gift of Distinguishing of Spirits (discernment)?

    Thank you so much for your help! For some reason I can't 'Start a conversation' with you, as the option doesn't appear when clicking your prof pic. I'm preeetty new to the forum so I don't know yet what functions are available or given to a new member like me. You could start by messaging me...
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    Where can I find someone with the gift of Distinguishing of Spirits (discernment)?

    Thank you for your reply! I wonder if there could be a way to carry this convo in private. If not, what should I do in order to get help for it overall?
  8. S

    Where can I find someone with the gift of Distinguishing of Spirits (discernment)?

    Thank you for your help! I wonder if I could talk to you more in private about that! I want to make sure that if I'm fighting something, that I may be fighting with supervision. I've been having issues with past likings, desires etc from the world and I am trying to leave them behind. Maybe they...
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    Where can I find someone with the gift of Distinguishing of Spirits (discernment)?

    Thank you so much for this. It made me cry as I've been going through a rough time and it also brought me a lot of peace. I've been praying to God a lot specifically concerning that I may be at peace with Him, that I can be with him through Jesus and the fact you said that verse mentioning...
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    Where can I find someone with the gift of Distinguishing of Spirits (discernment)?

    Hi! I am having trouble with certain thoughts in my head and I just want to understand very carefully some of them with someone who has the Spiritual Gift of distinguishing between spirits, in order to gain better understanding of their sources. Where could I search and find for such a person...
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    The gift of discernment of spirits

    Hi Emli, could you help me?