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  1. Elizabeth Daniels Jn316

    Ordo Salutis or Order of Salvation

    Thanks for your reply. Perhaps I misunderstood your point, but Prof. John Murray did discuss predestination in #1-#4 above. And yes, I believe predestination precedes the calling. I do differ on the view regarding regeneration or the new birth, though. I think regeneration precedes conversion...
  2. Elizabeth Daniels Jn316

    Ordo Salutis or Order of Salvation

    What are your thoughts on the order of salvation? The Order of Application BY JOHN MURRAY When we think of the application of redemption we must not think of it as one simple and indivisible act. It comprises a series of acts and processes. To mention some, we have calling, regeneration...
  3. Elizabeth Daniels Jn316

    Order of Salvation (Ordo Salutis)

    What are your thoughts regarding the order of salvation? The Order of Application BY JOHN MURRAY When we think of the application of redemption we must not think of it as one simple and indivisible act. It comprises a series of acts and processes. To mention some, we have calling...
  4. Elizabeth Daniels Jn316

    Equal Ultimacy

    Hi, Thank you for this information. I did a search and came across your post here. I've been trying to figure this doctrine out myself since this topic was raised recently. I'm curious. Did you ever get any answers regarding Scriptural proofs for or against equal ultimacy? Thanks, Elizabeth...
  5. Elizabeth Daniels Jn316

    What Is True Saving Faith? True Faith Vs. False Faith

    Is Your Faith Real or Counterfeit? As I was exiting the parking lot of a church one day, there was a large sign that read, “You are now entering the mission field.” Though I understand the intent, I can’t help but think that the same sign needs to be posted at the entrance of many “churches,”...
  6. Elizabeth Daniels Jn316

    What Is True Repentance? An Essential Element That Is Missing From The Modern Gospel

    WHAT IS TRUE REPENTANCE? Under all dispensations, since our first parents were expelled from the Garden of Eden, God has insisted on repentance. Among the patriarchs, Job said, “I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes” (Job 42:6). Under the Law, David wrote the thirty-second and...
  7. Elizabeth Daniels Jn316

    What Is True Christianity? Living A Radically Transformed Life!

    In this Blog, I will discuss various topics from a Reformed perspective including theology, Church history, Christian living (i.e., the practical application of God's Word), current events as they relate to the Scriptures, and other relevant subjects. My objective, by God's grace, is to share...
  8. Elizabeth Daniels Jn316


    Thank you!
  9. Elizabeth Daniels Jn316


    Thank you for the welcome! And nice to meet you. :)
  10. Elizabeth Daniels Jn316


    Thank you. Nice to meet you! :wave:
  11. Elizabeth Daniels Jn316

    Does anyone know of a past heretic who, because he was a "nice" and/or "moral" man, deceived many?

    Hi, I'm trying to writing something emphasizing the fact that just because someone is nice and/or moral does not necessarily mean that he is saved. And I wanted to use an example of a heretic in church history whose false teaching was difficult to refute because he was such a "nice" or moral...
  12. Elizabeth Daniels Jn316

    My Conversion Testimony - A Sinner Saved by Grace

    Hi! Nice to meet you all! I just recently joined CF and I noticed this forum. I thought I'd share my conversion testimony with you, too. Thanks, Elizabeth Daniels How the Lord Saved Me Before God saved me, I grew up attending a variety of churches, ranging from very liberal to somewhat...
  13. Elizabeth Daniels Jn316

    I'm a Reformed Baptist - can I be in this group?

    Thanks, David. I learned a lot of new things. I never knew all that. I, of course, knew about Chuck Swindoll, because I used to hear his messages years ago (I'm 55), but I didn't know all that other stuff. Very interesting. So, you never tried out the PCA? So, is the EV free church pretty...
  14. Elizabeth Daniels Jn316

    The Paradox of Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility

    Hi, This is my first official post. I sure hope I'm doing this correctly. Please forgive me if I messed up. Many years ago I wrote the following in response to questions regarding Calvinism. The issue came up again recently in some discussions on Facebook. And I again posted this, for which I...
  15. Elizabeth Daniels Jn316

    I'm a Reformed Baptist - can I be in this group?

    Thanks for answering my question about private conversations. Just disregard my reply to your PM earlier. So, I'm curious. Why is it called "Evangelical Free"? What does the "free" part mean? And may I ask why you changed denominations, if that's o.k.?
  16. Elizabeth Daniels Jn316

    I'm a Reformed Baptist - can I be in this group?

    Hi. Thanks for the very warm welcome! Yes, I couldn't find a conservative Reformed Baptist church in my area that I felt shared the same beliefs and practices; so, I decided to try out PCA, since I love R.C. Sproul's teaching and that of others at Ligonier. I had attended and visited...
  17. Elizabeth Daniels Jn316


    Thanks for the welcome and exhortation.