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  1. ValeriyK2022

    Trump found guilty on all 34 counts

    If Trump can quickly end the war in Ukraine, then for that alone everything could be forgiven. After all, there is nothing more valuable than human lives. And every day hundreds of Ukrainians die because of the war! And hundreds more Ukrainians become crippled every day! When will all this end...
  2. ValeriyK2022

    Nuclear Strike "most likely" Coming!

    It is that no one takes God and His will into account. They live as if He does not exist. War must have meaning. What is the point in a war in which Ukraine, Russia and Europe have already lost and the United States will soon lose too? It seems to me that I have substantiated that the more...
  3. ValeriyK2022

    Nuclear Strike "most likely" Coming!

    The Vietnamese option is also not suitable because Vietnam has never been a Christian people. What God forgives to nations who have not known Jesus Christ, He does not forgive those who have known Him and departed from Him (in essence). This is Europe with Yugoslavia (Serbia), this is Georgia...
  4. ValeriyK2022

    Nuclear Strike "most likely" Coming!

    Before spreading Russian propaganda, please read the documents first. Ukrainian law officially prohibits Nazi and communist symbols. Here is a link to this official law, passed by the Ukrainian parliament many years ago: Про засудження комуністичного та націонал-соціалістичного (нацистського)...
  5. ValeriyK2022

    Nuclear Strike "most likely" Coming!

    In my opinion, both countries have already lost. In addition, the EU countries (the US's main allies in the world) have already lost too. Now I will explain why. Ukrainians in 1991 numbered 52 million. Now even 30 million is a pipe dream. Nobody knows how many are left: 20 or 25. For such a...
  6. ValeriyK2022

    Nuclear Strike "most likely" Coming!

    Imagine, you called for help for a long time and you alone were foughting off three gangsters. While the question of help was being decided, they beat you badly. Finally you are told that help is on the way. But it’s too late, you already need a hospital bed, not help. That's all you already...
  7. ValeriyK2022

    Nuclear Strike "most likely" Coming!

    The West was late in providing help. Ukrainians are already tired of fighting. We need a break, a truce for at least a few years. To force Ukrainians to fight, the government closed the border and is catching men, giving 2 options: 1) to war; 2) to prison. This is very cruel. You can not do it...
  8. ValeriyK2022

    Nuclear Strike "most likely" Coming!

    Exactly the same forces exist in Russia. But for the sake of fairness, it must be said that neither in Ukraine nor in Russia the National Socialists have a majority either in parliament or in the government.
  9. ValeriyK2022

    Nuclear Strike "most likely" Coming!

    Ukrainian news reports say that, according to available intelligence data, Russian terrorists are preparing to carry out another provocation at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant (the largest power plant in Europe) - another false flag operation. This was reported by the press center of the...
  10. ValeriyK2022

    I just lost my job

    Perhaps, in addition to prayers and the help of a psychologist, a book "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegi will also help you
  11. ValeriyK2022

    I just lost my job

    I know how difficult it is. There have been times in my life when I couldn't help but worry. But we must try to fulfill the commandment: live for today. Anxiety gives rise to diseases, first of the psyche, and then of the body. Matthew 6:26-34 ICB Look at the birds in the air. They don’t plant...
  12. ValeriyK2022

    A Ukraine Peace Plan

    If Ukrainians knew this: 1) there will definitely be a war; 2) that they will be caught on the streets like dogs; then they would have gone abroad even before the war. This confirms that for 90% of Ukrainians language is secondary. Now the parliamentary and presidential elections have been...
  13. ValeriyK2022

    A Ukraine Peace Plan

    I will soon be 50. I know Ukrainian and Russian perfectly well, I understand Church Slavonic and am now studying English. Language is not a problem at all. The problem starts when people are forced to do something they don't want to do. It’s one thing to say that if you learn the language, you...
  14. ValeriyK2022

    ‘Gendered’ Nonsense Is Dangerous Nonsense

    This is apostasy. Return to paganism and even worse
  15. ValeriyK2022

    Pope Francis: “Ukraine must have the courage to raise the white flag and negotiate”

    I also think that our government refuses to negotiate with Russia in vain (if Russia is not a hypocrite, but really wants to negotiate). After all, Reagan would never have achieved from Gorbachev through military means what he achieved through negotiations (the withdrawal of Soviet troops from...
  16. ValeriyK2022

    Pope Francis: “Ukraine must have the courage to raise the white flag and negotiate”

    The analogy is similar, but not quite right. Ukraine is not homogeneous, just like Canada. There are French-speaking states in Canada, if I'm not mistaken. In Ukraine, for centuries, a kind of difusion took place with all neighboring peoples. On the border with Poland, the popular language is...
  17. ValeriyK2022

    Time for Peace Talks in Switzerland?

    Until the 16th century, Moscow paid tribute to the Mongol-Tatars.
  18. ValeriyK2022

    A Ukraine Peace Plan

    The Criminal Code of Ukraine prohibits discussing this issue, the issue of territorial integrity (this could lead to imprisonment in Ukraine). The only exception may be the ratification by the Parliament of Ukraine of international agreement through the mediation of third countries (USA...
  19. ValeriyK2022

    Help me learn English
