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  1. I

    Forum tidy up

    I think it's mainly a mobile problem.
  2. I

    Forum tidy up

    Not when I'm seeing if it's a community I want to be part of. I'm not against it for singing I'd use, but the basic format should be able to be navigated. But, when I click on a link and an ad pops up before I can read it, to then have the page covered in ads, it gives me no reason to...
  3. I

    Forum tidy up

    Hi all, I'm trying to engage in on here but it's difficult with the excessive advertising. Is this something that can be reviewed? I'm almost at my wits end and this is the only site that I visit that has it so invasive. It makes it hard read, post and navigate. I've attached a few...
  4. I

    The word "field" is a racial slur now.

    Laughable. Just a few fools wanting their voice heard. It will fizzle into nothing.
  5. I

    Is The Matrix Literally The Devil?? The World??

    No. Don't get distracted. Sure, some similarities may exist, and I've seen it used in youth group talks, but I've never seen the connection personally. I wouldn't go looking for messages in the Matrix given it's immorality in places. I also don't think any Christian message was intended to...