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  1. Buzzard3

    Pope Francis ok with Same Sex Unions?

    On the contrary, Fr. Martin is doing precisely what Fiducia Supplicans allows.
  2. Buzzard3

    Pope Francis ok with Same Sex Unions?

    Really? Have you read it? What does the word "couples" mean in the following quote from Fiducia Supplicans? III. Blessings of Couples in Irregular Situations and of Couples of the Same Sex 31. Within the horizon outlined here appears the possibility of blessings for couples in irregular...
  3. Buzzard3

    Pope approves blessings for same-sex couples if they don't resemble marriage

    A chaste same-sex relationship? LOL. Unsurprisingly, Fiducia Supplicans says nothing about a chaste relationship or repenting from sinful sexual acts. That would defeat what I think is the real purpose of the Declaration - ie, to make same-sex couples acceptable in the Church. How? How does...
  4. Buzzard3

    Pope approves blessings for same-sex couples if they don't resemble marriage

    I like this comment: "Francis said that he trusts that “gradually, everyone will be reassured about the spirit of the declaration"". This Pope is delusional - he thinks the whole Church is eventually going to fall in line with his demonic Rainbow agenda.
  5. Buzzard3

    Pope Francis ok with Same Sex Unions?

    Unsurprisingly, the Declaration doesn't explain how a priest can bless a same-sex couple without blessing the sin. Are we to believe that the same-sex couple have a chaste relationship? LOL. Even if the same-sex couple is celibate (as unlikely as that is), the priest is blessing a...
  6. Buzzard3

    Pope approves blessings for same-sex couples if they don't resemble marriage

    The Pope's sophistry doesn't fool me, but it's evidently fooled many others. How interesting that the Pope links blessing same-sex couples with sanctity. I've always understood "the Gospel" that Francis refers to involves the repentance of sins.
  7. Buzzard3

    Humpty Dumpty, blessings and the masters of meaning

    To claim that blessing a same-sex couple does not mean approving or legitimizing their same-sex relationship is so blatantly illogical as to be tantamount to lying.
  8. Buzzard3

    Pope approves blessings for same-sex couples if they don't resemble marriage

    Excellent article. Thanks for supplying it.
  9. Buzzard3

    Pope approves blessings for same-sex couples if they don't resemble marriage

    Who knows? Over 90% of known sexual assault cases against minors in the Church involve male priests or religious abusing boys.
  10. Buzzard3

    Conversion Stories

    My story is similar. After I left school I drifted away from the Catholic faith I was raised in. For a while there I was involved with the New Age movement and even believed in aliens - embarrassing! (Thankfully, that stage didn't last long.) After about twenty years of wandering around in...
  11. Buzzard3

    Conversion Stories

    No, that would not be easy. Us cradle-Catholics have no idea how difficult that could be. God bless you for having the strength and courage to convert. You made the right decision.
  12. Buzzard3

    Catholic priest wearing rainbow stole gives ‘blessing’ to women civilly ‘married’ for 22 years

    I don't think that will happen under this Pope ... hopefully the next Pope will remove this stain from the Church.
  13. Buzzard3

    Don’t give up on the Church – and certainly not because of Fiducia Supplicans

    That would have torpedoed what I think FS is - ie, an attempt to make same-sex couples acceptable in the Church (regardless of the fact that CCC #2358 says homosexual inclinations are "objectively disordered").
  14. Buzzard3

    Vatican Responds to Widespread Backlash on Same-Sex Blessing Directive

    That's what FS is all about, if you ask me ... going woke. It's an attempt to same-sex couples acceptable in the Church.
  15. Buzzard3

    Pope Francis: ‘I like to think of hell as empty’

    Eternal separation from God ... what a terrible fate. The mere thought of it is horrifying.
  16. Buzzard3

    "The Indefectible Church of Rome" – A Crucial Teaching in the Age of Pope Francis

    Sorry to hear that you're not at all impressed by "great swelling words of emptiness" (2Peter 2:18, NKJV). :(