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    South Indian Christian parents forcing me to get married

    Thank you Bella, really great insight, I really hope we'll reach a resolution.
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    South Indian Christian parents forcing me to get married

    Thank you so much for the detailed insight. But since that proposal has been dropped off from her end, that chapter is closed. But the truth is that I'm not ready to get married yet and not to a person without knowing that person and same vice versa. But the Indian culture is tie the knot first...
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    South Indian Christian parents forcing me to get married

    This is exactly the same thing I thought, how do I get married to a person without knowing their character/qualities (same goes for the person who wants to marry me too), but the Indian culture looks only at education, family status (the fame and value they hold in society) and not at the...
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    South Indian Christian parents forcing me to get married

    It's tough to have a firm conversation with my parents, if I say anything they'll say I'm back answering and if I remain quiet they say I'm possessed, seems like I'm screwed either way
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    South Indian Christian parents forcing me to get married

    No,not in person but virtually, as I'm in Europe and she is in India, I've spoke to her as an initial conversation and later after that call, her dad told my dad that she said no. That chapter is now closed. But my parents are now saying that no one like your profile coz you've a receding...
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    South Indian Christian parents forcing me to get married

    30, My parents are in India and I'm in Europe but they do my head in at every phone call, I really hope this wasn't the case
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    South Indian Christian parents forcing me to get married

    my south Indian Bible believing (Pentecostal) parents (father is a pastor) are forcing me to get married, they say the choice is yours but as many women aren't liking your profile (as I have receding hairline), if something comes up I can't say NO outright. There was a recent alliance that came...
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    My parents are forcing a girl on me for marriage

    Hi, I'm in a similar situation as you posted ,(30yo), my south Indian Bible believing (Pentecostal) parents (father is a pastor) are forcing me to get married, they say the choice is yours but as many women aren't liking your profile (as I have receding hairline), if something comes up I can't...