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  1. K

    What if a mentally challenged person gets the mark of the beast

    by the way, if u can give ur thoughts abt that, re: my situation, plz go 2 my site & reply, or u can do it here
  2. K

    What if a mentally challenged person gets the mark of the beast

    r u counting those w' autism & asperger's both (or should i say asd) since (in my case), i can't recognize god's voice - thru answers or prayer, unable to recognize warning signs, unable 2 understand most of the gospel (symbolism, imagry, codes, clues, numbers, names etc is to difficult & i'm...
  3. K

    autism & mark of beast

    SHOCKING: Dr. Carrie Madej Releases FIRST LOOK at Pfizer Vial Contents – Forbidden Knowledge TV this is a video showing some of the items i'd mentioned that the vaxx from both test & jab have - remember, the jab vaxx is a weaker version of the test vaxx...i do have more video's saying that the...
  4. K

    autism & mark of beast

    1 final pt i 4got 2 make (re: the numerous bibile versions) is that all the versions agree on 1 thing - that all who take/receive it ( no matter how it was taken/received - unwillingly, unknowingly, forcefully (or in my case snuck in w' out my knowledge), trickery, deceivement (god's grt...
  5. K

    autism & mark of beast

    ps: i'm hoping that ur answers will help me 2 turn away from this cuz this has literally been eating @ me ever since this test took place - 2yrs ago...also, i would like 2 hear from those w' any form of autism as well, as i'd like 2 c u'r/they're take on this as well
  6. K

    autism & mark of beast

    thnx 4 ur advice, & i may b wrong on this, but the verse that says, he will causeth (which could mean taken unknowingly, tricked, devceived (god's grt delusion) unwillingly, forced (in that it was snuck in the vaxx, & u didn't know, or that u had 2 keep ur job, kids being 'forced' 2 by their...
  7. K

    autism & mark of beast

    thnx - i appreciate ur reply & i know u'r right...i've been tryingb2 focus on the positive things & not the negative -- esp those things that happened in which i have no have/had no control over...i can b ok 4 awhile, but when i get stressed &/or my sensory system overwhelms me, or if i even...
  8. K

    autism & mark of beast

    ok - there's the fact i felt micro-chips implanted, as well as the liquid vaxx/medicine in my nose & the swab, (which i call wand, cus that's what it looked like -- a 6in wand w' what looked like a ball (all bristles on it 2 hide everything) & what looked like a tongue depressor, that when used...
  9. K

    autism & mark of beast

    also, let's say this isn't the mark -- how will i know if/when it comes up, since i can't recognize god's 'voice' thru prayers or answers, or even know he's helped me until after the fact, nor recognize warning signs, or can only read the literal parts of the bible, as i can't understand...
  10. K

    autism & mark of beast

    sorry, i don't understand what ur saying (the 2nd paragraph)...
  11. K

    autism & mark of beast

    so then, ur saying that even if the test was the mark, i could still b saved - cuz 1st, i wasn't gonna take the test or vaxx cuz i didn't c y a healthy person should have 2 do either if not sick (i'm unable 2 recognize warnng signs, so this was just an opinion), then the day i got the inner...
  12. K

    autism & mark of beast

    r u sure abt this, cuz the vaxx i had was from the rt pcr dna tests in 2019, which was made in the wuhan lab in was snuck into the us in 2018- 2019 as medicine tests & then relabled as test kits...unfortunately, the article i saw is now gone (censored), plus they rn't even showing the...
  13. K

    autism & mark of beast

    i found out that u can b tricked into taking the mark(deceieved) -- it's the grt delusion, & if u read revelation 14:14-20, it talks abt the earth's harvest...also, the bible says he who causeth...that can mean tricked, deceieved, forced (not held down, but if it's snuck into the vaxx of both...
  14. K

    autism & mark of beast

    actually, the vaxx is the mark: MARK OF THE BEAST (666) Quantum Dot Tattoo Vaccine this article mentions some of the technology of what's in it & how it works...also, here's new info since my 1st post - the cdc has been lying abt the #'s of people dying & now r lying abt the #'s of people (the...
  15. K

    how do i know if god answers my prayers (not me)

    this kind of relates 2 my autism/unknowingly took mark/salvation- saved post since these 'spiritual events' have occured this yr - just 1 yr after unknowingly taking the i've said, i've never been able 2 recognize god's answer's, so i'm wondering if these could be...these all...
  16. K

    autism & mark of beast

    @ this pt, i feel i should explain more abt the test itself, it's actual ingrediants & what it looks like (or not), cuz this may help give u a better idea of my concern & y i'm asking if i can still be saved...i'll do my best 2 keep it short, but there's alot 2 it...first, the actual ingrediants...
  17. K

    autism & mark of beast

    i just read something like that 2day actually & u just onfirmed it 4 me - thnx ( that is the part abt as a child of god, he won't let me go)...anyway, the site also mentioned that if i repent every day - which i do, i can still receive salvation, but i will still most likely die from the effects...
  18. K

    a heisitant hello from an autistic

    i'm definately interested in finding out what life is like 4 u as an aspie - ur religious side as well as general, cuz some of mine r opposite of what the symptoms r - like when it comes 2 sensory issues, religious issues, etc...i think that i may have some asd mixed in as well, but i'm not...