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  1. Emily Write

    Just curious, how many of you identify as feminists?

    I would say I am a feminist to some extent, but do not agree with all sections of it. I am more for the ongoing and much needed international kind in nations where women lack much needed rights rather than the modern American version we see in YouTube yelling about how all men are trashy...
  2. Emily Write

    Thank you to all the women pastors, priests, bishops, deacons, and other church leaders!

    The church I go to women's leadership more than I agree with, but the children's minister that they've had for years has done an awesome job running it. And while I dislike the last two girl's ministers they have had for the teen ministry, the one that was there the majority of the time I was in...
  3. Emily Write

    How have Christians reacted to disappointment?

    I have struggled with disappointment in church and things that are changing and programs that are becoming smaller or being cut out altogether at my church that I dislike or are unnecessary. The preaching is still good and Biblical, but the fellowship isn't as strong as it used to be among...
  4. Emily Write

    How have Christians changed over the covid period?

    I think some of the ones I know have gotten a lot more mean spirited, and its has either hurt or destroyed friendships I used to have. It got so bad that I actually had to leave one group of ladies who used to be a lot of fun to be around, but now get triggered by the most minor disagreements so...
  5. Emily Write

    Is Cuddling a Sin? Can Christian Couples Cuddle Before Marriage?

    Don't see why not, unless you have extreme sexual urges. My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship and plan on cuddling, kissing, hugging, and holding hands when we met in person. But we don't experience sexual attraction (we met on dating site for people like that) and only feel...
  6. Emily Write

    Does autism affect your relationship with God?

    A lot of you are saying it's harder to be close to God, but my autism has actually helped bring me closer to God because it has taught me a lot about how Jesus sees people and how I ought to love others with various experiences and struggles. If anything from the experiences I have heard from...
  7. Emily Write

    How does an autistic person accept themself?

    I don't me being autistic as a bad thing entirely and see no reason why a person should hate themselves for it. Yes, you have negative things you have to deal with, but there are positive sides as well like special interests and complex structures. It's just a different set of abilities than...
  8. Emily Write

    Hello From A New Person Here

    Hello, I am here to view and hopefully have peaceful chats with fellow followers of Christ. I have been going to church all my life, but only began to really grow in the Holy Spirit and take my faith seriously as an adult. Now rather than viewing it is a religion, I view it as a personal...