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  1. K

    My take on eschatological positions?

    It's the classic problem of "lumpers" vs "splitters". Using an "-ism" can sometimes save time. Like saying one is a "Christian" establishes many elements with one word. But it also lumps Protestants in with Orthodox Catholic believers. I understand that simply adopting a particular "-ism'...
  2. K

    Understanding the Trinity

    Hey OB (great username, by the way), I love that you are trying to hash this issue out, and asking "why?" When I took physics in college, an introductory concept was "why does the apple fall from the tree?" Well, the answer is because of balanced forces, with gravity pulling downward. The...
  3. K

    Thoughts on the "Wrath of God"

    I agree, and my point was to counter the legal view of salvation, which involves Jesus standing between us and an angry God. Yes, I believe in the devil who works for our downfall. But I am not sure how this plays into my original post about a "wrathful" god, and my contention that perhaps...
  4. K

    Was there death before the Fall?

    I replied to this thread before. But I'll comment again, with a different approach. ... They say truth is stranger than fiction. And by that I understand the saying to mean that real life has amazing ways in which something can be true, and one would never have guessed it. My take on this...
  5. K

    Thoughts on terms used when considering salavtion

    I'm 90% in agreement with what you wrote. I think this is amazing, and I'm happy. Best wishes, Kevin
  6. K

    Thoughts on the "Wrath of God"

    I just did a quick search for the word "wrath," specifically God's wrath, and I found 175 matches in the Bible. I'll include a few sample ones below. Comments below. Numbers 16:46 -- Then Moses said to Aaron, “Take your censer and put incense in it, along with burning coals from the altar...
  7. K

    Thoughts on terms used when considering salavtion

    Clare, I fully agree with what you have written. I think that is something we should celebrate, since we have seemed to approach these topics from different perspectives on prior posts! To think about this further, I'm going to consider the woman caught in adultery and brought to Jesus. By...
  8. K

    What's up with human-generated curses (and blessings) in the Bible?

    I think you missed the point of my original post. It is NOT about how to deal with blessing and curses from God, but rather when to HUMANS get to issue blessings and curses? Best wishes, Kevin
  9. K

    What's up with human-generated curses (and blessings) in the Bible?

    Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings. Deut 29:29 29 The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, ... If I take the various facts presented in the OT as data...
  10. K

    Thoughts about the confusing word: "Law"

    I agree with your point, but I will mention that your argument is a bit circular. Its inspired by God because it's scripture, and its scripture because of God too. As I am sure you know, there are apocryphal and deuterocanonical books that are included in Catholic Bibles that are excluded from...
  11. K

    Thoughts about the confusing word: "Law"

    What is your understanding of the role God plays in the lives of people today in the world? Isn't the world an interesting place! I have a well-meaning friend who assures me that the ONLY books I should read in the Bible are the works of Paul. His justification for this was that neither he...
  12. K

    Thoughts on terms used when considering salavtion

    I wasn't sure what I was going to find at that link, but I found it to be very helpful. It addresses the issues I am trying to explore here, namely what is being meant by the term "salvation". And also, "saved from what?" The article seems to focus on Romans, but I think it is a good...
  13. K

    Thoughts on terms used when considering salavtion

    Jesus said that "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." OK. That's all there is to it then, right? Just believe and there is nothing more for God's servants to do. But then there is Christ's...
  14. K

    Thoughts on terms used when considering salavtion

    Salvation is a gift. I fully agree. But at Christmas time, a necktie, a chainsaw, and perfume can all be said to be "a gift." But calling it a gift doesn't clarify any underlying meaning. Jonah was thrown overboard, and the Lord saved him by having a large fish swallow him. Or, instead...
  15. K

    Thoughts on terms used when considering salavtion

    I think this definition agrees with the 3 flavors of interpretation I mentioned. SALVATION Forgiveness of an offense. <------- avoidance of the wrath of God would go here. Protection against consequences. <--- and perhaps here. Personal improvement. Thanks for your feeback.
  16. K

    Thoughts on terms used when considering salavtion

    I agree that often salvation in the Bible is referring to physical salvation instead of Eternal Life salvation. But isn't there perhaps an overlap of these two concepts? The Israelites were "saved" from starvation by God's manna from heaven, and Christians today will be "saved" by God's...
  17. K

    What's up with human-generated curses (and blessings) in the Bible?

    The point of the original post was HUMAN GENERATED curses, and if/when God honors them. I don't feel that you addressed my questions, but I do appreciate you taking time to answer. KT
  18. K

    What's up with human-generated curses (and blessings) in the Bible?

    So we have examples of Isaac and Jacob giving blessings. We can agree that God backed this up. What about Peter calling down curses? How did God react to that? I'm not doubting or limiting the power of God. I'm trying to see if there is any sense of rules about WHO gets to make...
  19. K

    What's up with human-generated curses (and blessings) in the Bible?

    Yes I do. But I think that God's perfectness gets imperfectly recorded at times. I think He has been blamed for things He did not do. And His motivation is, in my opinion, inferred by Bible writers, at times incorrectly. For example, in the case of Uzzah 2 Sam 6:7: The Lord’s anger burned...
  20. K

    Thoughts on terms used when considering salavtion

    Can you explain what you mean? What part of scripture have I said is wrong and thus you can have nothing in common with me? And regardless, if you feel that way, why did you reply to this thread? I am trying to leave the arguments of other threads be and talk about something else for a...