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    26 year old stepson buying a house to live in with his mother long term.

    The problem is that he may never know the joys of married life and children, and will likely become his mother's carer, life is comfortable for him now, but he is sleepwalking into being trapped. I think it is a selfish mother who wants to keep her son all for herself and not allow nature to...
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    26 year old stepson buying a house to live in with his mother long term.

    My 26 year old step son has only ever lived away from his mother for a short period of time since graduating from university, he didn't have a positive experience of doing so, but didn't really give it much of a chance, so moved back in with his mother and stayed there because in his own words...
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    What's the weather like where you are? (10)

    Here in Norfolk UK we have bright sunshine and its 5 degrees late morning with frosty nights, after nearly a month of mild wet gloomy weather and high winds, it's great to see the sun and have crisp seasonal weather.
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    A-Z of Names and Occuptations

    Mavis the medical practitioner who minced about on a moped.
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    A-Z of Names and Occuptations

    Kelvin, the kangaroo catcher with kaleidoscopic kegs.
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    A-Z of Names and Occuptations

    Gerald, the grumpy geriatric gynecologist from Gibraltar with a gangling gait.
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    A-Z of Names and Occuptations

    Eric the exited Eskimo embalmer
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    A-Z of Names and Occuptations

    Bah! Too slow..
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    A-Z of Names and Occuptations

    Cuthbert Caruthers the Caucasian chiropodist from Cheltenham casually carousing the canals in a conical.
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    The Trend Toward Atheism

    Depends on the church, they can't all be bad, can they?
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    What is God's purpose for you?

    Totally agree, the same thing happened to me, my life was a desert before I put my life in God's hands, nothing I tried worked out, then everything wonderful just came my way. Pity the non believers, they don't know what they could have.
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    The Trend Toward Atheism

    Good without God = self worship, a profound belief in self and society, this is why the liberals and young are so full of hysteria and despair, they put all their faith in things which do not and can not deliver, instead of trusting in God, and can not distinguish the difference between religion...
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    What is God's purpose for you?

    W What a lovely post. I do some times wonder if we are kinder, nicer, and more giving people when we are humbled by our circumstances, your post has reminded me of this, thank you:wave:
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    A-Z of Names and Occuptations

    Wilfred the will maker from Milford.
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    A to Z: Stupid Names for a Cat

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    Intermittent bouts of rage...

    Since my last post I have been praying for myself and my husband and reading the Bible, but also I have been staying in the home of my friend and her church minister husband. He has written many books on Christianity, but one in particular stood out for me and it's called ' Demolishing...
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    Intermittent bouts of rage...

    I'm in such a terrible state today, since my husbands last outburst, I have just wanted to cry all the time, I'm SO depressed and just absolutely flooded with dread, it's a massive over reaction to the event that took place, but I have absorbed SO much of this over the years it's hard to remain...
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    Intermittent bouts of rage...

    I wish I could bring him to the Lord, but he is a non believer, but I agree with you, faith in God is the cure, we can not do it alone, we only ever tinker round the edges when we try...:coldsweat::disrelieved: I am still reeling one week on, I'm blaming myself for lapsing in my own...
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    Intermittent bouts of rage...

    Thank you for taking the time to reply everybody, I really appreciate your thoughts and advise. Just to answer a few questions that you raised..counselling, we did this together 7 years ago and his behaviour altered dramatically for the better, his outbursts went from weekly, to once evey 1-2...
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    Intermittent bouts of rage...

    I love my husband very much and 99% of the time he is everything I ever wanted in a husband and we have been very happy for the past 17 years, but he gets intermittent bouts of rage over normal domestic frustrations which are totally out of proportion to the thing which triggered him. For the...