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    Israel / Red Heifer / Sacrifice

    Whether they build the third Temple or not there are many Israelites who are wanting and trying to prepare for the rebuilding of the third Temple. A movement which has been around since 1948.
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    Israel / Red Heifer / Sacrifice

    There is no direct wordings that says the temple will be rebuilt but certain scriptures indicate that there must be a third temple in order for the abomination that maketh desolate to stand where he ought not and take away the daily sacrifices which supposedly is done in the temple...
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    For Old-Earth Creationists: Entropy existed before Adam

    Not sure if you understand anything I said maybe I didn't word it to your satisfaction ........ I am a believer, meaning in God our Father and Creator Yeshua Hamashiach - even if you seem to question it - to tell me I'm not a believer ........ And at no time have I ever indicated that science...
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    For Old-Earth Creationists: Entropy existed before Adam

    So galaxies don't actually collide so the word is used it is a poor choice of words they actually merge Amen
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    Israel / Red Heifer / Sacrifice Are we beginning to see these prophecy in the process of being fulfilled concerning the return of the sacrifice and the building of the third Temple. Are these prophecies supposed to happen right...
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    For Old-Earth Creationists: Entropy existed before Adam

    If two galaxies were to collide if there was matter inside of those galaxies the matter would not just pass through each other / but burst into smaller bits of matter. And yes I know we are all energy, the entire universe is based on energy. And Science and I'm bringing science back into it has...
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    For Old-Earth Creationists: Entropy existed before Adam

    Through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ just as he transitioned Enoch into an angel as written in the Book of Enoch - and transition all into whatever forms he has chosen for us.
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    For Old-Earth Creationists: Entropy existed before Adam

    I'm sorry, no I am not - I repeat I believe - now you can say I do not believe all you like. From Genesis 3 to Revelation 22 is based on the life of Adam after he sinned is what I believe and based on the past 6,000 + years not the age of the Earth. And I don't require your attempt at lessons...
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    For Old-Earth Creationists: Entropy existed before Adam

    Indeed God is timeless - time and what we have divided into years months days hours minutes seconds is for man to calculate his existence by given by God. And now many scientists are beginning to realize time does not really exist -...
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    For Old-Earth Creationists: Entropy existed before Adam

    I never heard of the bishop - I see Genesis 2 as a more detailed narration of Genesis 1 concerning man. And if you believe that it says without a doubt the earth was formed 6000 years ago that's fine - all have a right to believe as they choose there are different beliefs on many different...
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    Old Earth Creationism

    Adam had access to the Tree of Life and according to Genesis 3:22 the tree of life gives a form of immortality. And I thought I said a day to the Lord could also be a million years a trillion years a billion years. The 6th day, God's time which is not measurable - he told the Earth to bring...
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    Crucifixion What Christ Endured
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    The human body is a marvel. But why do you think God designed defecation to be so repugnant.

    It's the meat .... Before the flood man was a vegetarian, God told him he gave him the herbs for food and the fruit from the various trees.
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    Old Earth Creationism

    No one knows the mind of God and cannot say as an absolute God wouldn't have done this or that. No one knows according to man's time how long it took - as it is written a day to the Lord is as a thousand years and A thousand years is as a day (it could just as well be said a day is like a...
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    For Old-Earth Creationists: Entropy existed before Adam

    Because of the teachings of the church for centuries, many Christians, and I will say the majority do not believe in old Earth creation they believe the dinosaurs roam the Earth 6,000 years ago. They will not accept any science that indicates differently than the teachings of the first...
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    Microchipping - Revelation 13:16-17 The US has been speaking of a cashless society for the past three decades, they just haven't gotten around to it yet. When the Beast and his Antichrist comes to power it will be mandatory...
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    Microchipping - Revelation 13:16-17

    Thank You but I believe differently. Microchip is already being used in the hand at the present time in a few countries. One of the purposes is to eliminate currency _ contains financial records, medical records, the other necessary personal data...
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    Microchipping - Revelation 13:16-17

    The Brain The Hand Are we seeing the beginning of Revelation 13:16-17 _ what say you?
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    Secret Plans to Attack NATO Germany supposedly has discovered Russia's plan to attack NATO in 2025 and is preparing for war.
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    Merry Christmas