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    Why can't god talk to us

    But if his blood has taken effect, then Christians should be physically immortal...
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    Why can't god talk to us

    We have been redeemed, but what I said is true. Otherwise, you would be able to see God. Let me ask you this, has Jesus's blood taken effect yet? Think about this verse Romans 8:11: "And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will...
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    Why can't god talk to us

    We can't speak face to face with God because if we did we would die (because of our sin). Otherwise, God would speak physically with us all the time. If you'd like me to explain more please let me know.
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    I have a question about out of body experiences

    Ah I see, I'd like to inform you that if you wish to get close to Jesus, do it through his word. John 14:23 lets us know that those who love Jesus obey his word. Though if you wish to be super close to Jesus, then let me know in Direct message!
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    I have a question about out of body experiences

    My question for you is why do you want an out of body experience , and how do you think it will bring you closer to Jesus?
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    Are We Hearing the Hoofbeats of the Four Horsemen?

    Actually, the tribulation is separate from the events of Revelation 6. Revelation 6 judgement comes upon a certain group of people, while the great tribulation comes upon the entire world.
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    Are We Hearing the Hoofbeats of the Four Horsemen?

    War and famine don't have to be physical. Read Amos 8:11. The famine is referring to a time when people won't hear the word of God. i.e not physical.
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    Not all of them actually.
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    Is Jesus God?

    I meant to say shouldn't
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    Is Jesus God?

    But should Jesus = God = Holy Spirit ?
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    Is Jesus God?

    Wait, isn't the advocate different from Jesus? John 14:16 "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—" Jesus is asking God to send "another advocate", this another advocate, is it not somebody else that's not Jesus?
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    Is Jesus God?

    Wait, doesn't this break the doctrine?
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    Why are there so many different denominations in Christianity?

    So just trust that it will just all work out the end........
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    Why are there so many different denominations in Christianity?

    1 Cor 12:12-27 Is talking about people in the church, not churches themselves. Churches today are just as divided as the Jews during the first coming. Some believe in salvation through Baptism (with physical water), some believe in salvation by just saying "I believe that Jesus is the Messiah"...
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    Why are there so many different denominations in Christianity?

    I must ask then, which verse tells us Christians that's it's ok to be divided? If each denomination is preaching something different, will they all go to the same heaven that's talked about in the bible? My biggest example of this is Heaven and Hell, vs. Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. I mean...
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    Why are there so many different denominations in Christianity?

    But why are there any differences at all...isn't it the same word?
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    Why are there so many different denominations in Christianity?

    Amen, the devil has definitely split us in many ways.
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    Is Jesus God?

    This is really helpful actually. May I please ask for some verses on how the holy spirit and Jesus are the same as well?
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    Why are there so many different denominations in Christianity?

    If we all believe in the same Bible, what caused a split in the religion?