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  1. Tiang

    Stopping Abortion

    It's a simple position to have, and I don't see why people fail to come to terms with it. If you and your partner are not willing to accept the small possibility that a life will result that deserves to be protected and cherished.. then don't have sex. It's not about religion even. It's simple...
  2. Tiang

    Abortion and the Civil War

    I have to say, I really don't understand people who would push for all these things. I hope they are shut out of the discussion, because they are not helping things. As far as I understand it, being pro-life is a simple plea for expecting parents to choose life over death. The social...
  3. Tiang

    Abortion and the Civil War

    I hope people stop confusing the issue of abortion with womens' rights. No one who is pro-life necessarily believes that we should undo the progress that has been made with regard to equal opportunities and representation. Statistically, people who are pro-life do tend to hold more conservative...
  4. Tiang

    Women's rights are responsible for the right to abort.

    I fail to see your point. You're saying that it's okay to kill a child because it 'isn't fair'? Fairness and killing do not belong on the same level of discussion. Men and women have different roles in reproduction and childrearing. Because of the lack of a clear gendered division of labour...
  5. Tiang

    Abortion and the Civil War

    It is a human being because its life cycle has begun, and you would have to intervene to stop it. Instead of intervening to kill, you should be doing all you can to protect that life. We're probably talking past one another. I meant that a couple can be told they are expecting a child one day...
  6. Tiang

    Abortion and the Civil War

    No; obviously not. You can believe that something is heinously wrong, but accept that the people who did it were misguided, and embrace them as people worthy of love and healing. You can also accept that the culture and the legislation have moved so far off base that criminalisation would be...
  7. Tiang

    Abortion and the Civil War

    Aye. Correction: Planned Parenthood has the quota.
  8. Tiang

    Abortion and the Civil War

    There is a $1.3 billion abortion industry in the US, with a commercial quota on the number of abortions they want to conduct. I'm not targeting individual women. I'm targeting the forces out there in the culture and the market which speak consistently to vulnerable young people, telling them...
  9. Tiang

    Abortion and the Civil War

    Yes, I acknowledge these limitations.. Which is why I'm not for criminalising abortion, at least not until there has been a broad cultural shift to (re-)acknowledge the link between sex and human life. To that extent, I am pro-choice. I'd much rather pro-life organisations concentrate on helping...
  10. Tiang

    Abortion and the Civil War

    Sounds like racial supremacists, not conservative Christians. You probably don't make a distinction between the two, but I assure you that a very clear one exists. Brain function and human life are not the same thing. A child in the womb is an unconscious child on life support. If you pull the...
  11. Tiang

    Abortion and the Civil War

    Childeye, I get your argument from statistics, but there needs to be moral guidance on this topic if we are to make strides towards having as few abortions as is remotely possible. There have been forces in the culture that - for decades - have been pushing the idea that abortion carries no...
  12. Tiang

    Abortion and the Civil War

    Kindly show me one, or stop straw-manning the argument. A stance against open borders is not being happy to see children die. When does it become a human life? When someone decides that it is? You can have a baby shower today, and decide that it isn't a human being tomorrow, and get someone to...
  13. Tiang

    Abortion and the Civil War

    I think this phenomenon has mostly to do with the framing of issues. The conservatives you are referring to see this as an immigration matter, and that taking firmer stances on it would prevent more people from putting themselves and their families at risk by attempting to cross borders. But...
  14. Tiang

    Abortion and the Civil War

    You didn't offer any suggestions :( I have some reading to do on the matter, but I would suggest that the understanding you have of how abortion got to Roe vs Wade in the US has been skewed by the victors of that entire tragic chapter of history. Abortion itself has very little to do with...
  15. Tiang

    Abortion and the Civil War

    You got to marvel at how liberals these days have descended into banging unrelated issues together and painting entire demographics with the same brush. They see groups, not individuals. The fact that conservatives tend to be against open borders has nothing to do with the fact that abortion is...
  16. Tiang

    Abortion and the Civil War

    There's a lot of things we don't know, and it's okay. I accept that many battles have already been lost on this front with regard to culture and legislation, but I love humanity and I have faith that we'll be able to change our culture of infanticide and the absurd, flat denial of the connection...
  17. Tiang

    Abortion and the Civil War

    Are you going to make an effort to live up to standards recorded in the Bible? Or are you going to give up before trying, dismiss everything God has revealed to us about the sanctity of life, and engage in hedonistic social experiments?
  18. Tiang

    Abortion and the Civil War

    It is quite something to have to come to terms with, isn't it? I agree, and I won't claim to understand it. But it doesn't detract from our obligation to protect the unborn in all the ways we know how. This really isn't even necessarily about religion. We know we have a human life at stake. We...
  19. Tiang

    Abortion and the Civil War

    Probably mostly economic good sense, but good point. Faith aside, the unborn child is at the complete mercy of the mother, who can choose to have a stranger dismember it alive, or choose to summon the help she needs to guard and protect it as an innocent life that she and her partner helped...
  20. Tiang

    Abortion and the Civil War

    I do not see why that would be an unreasonable position to have. Cities have burned in the Bible for far less than the cultural delusion that taking a hedonistic position on sex somehow removes the right of babies to be in their mothers' wombs.