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  1. Timtofly

    Ammillennialism and Pretribulationism both fly against the Early Church

    The Passover was a Sabbath. "And in the first day there shall be an holy convocation, and in the seventh day there shall be an holy convocation to you; no manner of work shall be done in them, save that which every man must eat, that only may be done of you." Exodus 12:14 Sometimes the...
  2. Timtofly

    Ammillennialism and Pretribulationism both fly against the Early Church

    The Sabbath being prepared for that year was on a Thursday, so the body could not be prepared after 6pm that Wednesday. It was Passover Sabbath. Passover was never on Friday. Jesus was more than likely not in the tomb after 6pm on Saturday, so was never in the tomb on Sunday at all. But...
  3. Timtofly

    Ammillennialism and Pretribulationism both fly against the Early Church

    "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." You have horrible logic. According to you it should be 6 days because there is no difference between day and night. You would have to count...
  4. Timtofly

    The trumpets and vials of the Great Tribulation

    You cannot ignore the Thunders as if they will not happen. There is no overlap of the vials, because there is no overlap of the Thunders. The whole chapter of Matthew 13 and 25 is about events on the earth after the Second Coming. Read both chapters. Matthew 13 happens before the 7th Trumpet...
  5. Timtofly

    The trumpets and vials of the Great Tribulation

    This opinion that the 7th Trumpet is out of order, totally dismisses the fact that 7 Thunders happen prior to the 7th Trumpet. Do you think because the 7 Thunders are sealed, they won't even happen? Why do you just disregard them as if they are not there? You claim the vials are just an...
  6. Timtofly


    The rule of Christ on earth, cannot happen, until all these things. Not the Second Coming, nor the rapture have to wait for these things. You have to remember that all the redeemed at that time were waiting for the kingdom to come to earth. Not just be taken away. We need to always be...
  7. Timtofly

    There is no Rapture

    Moses wrote those words before He walked out into the desert. He told them not to come looking, so he told them he would be buried, not that he was already buried. Moses was punished, unlike Elijah, who was obedient to God. Moses would never have a glorious departure from the earth, like...
  8. Timtofly

    There is no Rapture

    How do you know? No one saw how Moses left the earth.
  9. Timtofly

    Isaiah 65:17-19 relates to the eternal state not some supposed future millennium

    Now you are just changing the topic, and not even talking about Scripture, but man's take on history. The OT Covenant did not end in 70AD. The last day OT resurrection was at the Cross, when God left the building. The Temple of Herod could still be there today, and still the OT Covenant...
  10. Timtofly

    Isaiah 65:17-19 relates to the eternal state not some supposed future millennium

    The Cross was the last day of the OT Covenant, or do you think the OT Covenant is still in effect until the last day on earth? The OT redeemed were resurrected on the last Day of the OT Covenant. Why would their Covenant be over, but then they have to wait until the NT Covenant is over. You...
  11. Timtofly

    Isaiah 65:17-19 relates to the eternal state not some supposed future millennium

    The GWT Judgment is not the last day of time literally nor figuratively. Jesus never said a "day" is coming. Jesus said hour, and "hour" is not symbolic of "day". The last hour of judgment was the Cross, for all the redeemed. That was Jesus in direct obedience to God, for the direct...
  12. Timtofly

    Isaiah 65:17-19 relates to the eternal state not some supposed future millennium

    Nope, no one takes the Bible wooden literal. That is just a smoke screen for "I don't care about the soon coming Day of the Lord". It is lazeness to just asume the book of Revelation is the most symbolic book, therefore you have a: "I won't take anything in it literally nor seriously"...
  13. Timtofly

    Isaiah 65:17-19 relates to the eternal state not some supposed future millennium

    Actually all outside of Christ are dead persons, when it comes to Judgment. Your body is not judged. You as a soul are judged as standing before Christ as dead. For one who thinks a thousand years is symbolic, why declare a physical resurrection even has to take place? Are not both part of...
  14. Timtofly

    Isaiah 65:17-19 relates to the eternal state not some supposed future millennium

    The GWT Judgment is not even in time, nor a last day. It takes place outside of this creation, and the next creation. So time is not even relative at that GWT Judgment event.
  15. Timtofly

    Isaiah 65:17-19 relates to the eternal state not some supposed future millennium

    So is a thousand years time related. All one thousand of those thousand years represents a year's worth of time. All belong to God as has the last 8,000 years or so worth of years of time.
  16. Timtofly

    Isaiah 65:17-19 relates to the eternal state not some supposed future millennium

    Jesus said that hour was coming and already here: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live." Lazarus heard that voice and came out of his grave. The OT redeemed heard the voice of...
  17. Timtofly

    A Literal Interpretation of the 70 Weeks that Doesn't Force Anything

    While I date the start way earlier than most, I still don't see the end prior to around 50BC. 522BC minus 171BC is only 351 years. I would put the 49 years as between 522BC to around 473BC. Soon after Darius died the work was stopped, as the enemies of the Jews petitioned Artaxerxes the...
  18. Timtofly

    There is no Rapture

    Jerusalem was the last walled city left, but the 3.5 years were not Romans surrounding Jerusalem. They had to fight for many cities in Palestine. They did not fight in 69. As the Romans were fighting each other to see who was going to be emperor. The destruction was longer than that and...
  19. Timtofly

    There is no Rapture

    This is not even historically accurate. You need to reread your history. Have you ever heard of the year of the 4 emperors? That was 69AD. The Romans had a civil war that year. Titus came back in 70AD. No one was interested in Jerusalem that year. They were trying to figure out who the...