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  1. Jesus is my Superhero

    Is there any biblical evidence that suggests that people who take their own lives go to Hell?

    Perhaps intent plays a part in all of this. What transpired in Guyana at The People's temple in 1978 is far from what happened at Masada in 73 or 74 A.D. or is it?
  2. Jesus is my Superhero

    God calling back to Christian Film in Los Angeles?

    Fast and pray. Speaking from my own experience, doors have to be opened and in such a way that it is obvious that it is of God. Be careful, because the adversary prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. This is why I say that it must be obvious that the open door(s) are...
  3. Jesus is my Superhero

    Introduction Myself

    Welcome jsphalford11!
  4. Jesus is my Superhero

    after worship a miracle.

    God Almighty works with individual Christians in their lives all the time, if one's eyes and mind are open to receive this information. The closer one draws to Him, the more His involvement will become obvious due to seeing with a spiritual eye instead of the carnal eye. "Blessed are the pure in...
  5. Jesus is my Superhero

    What Is It a Sin to Do in Particular?

    A number of verses clearly define what sin is. 1John 3:4 Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. For there to be sin, a law as to be in effect. Which law is that? Mat.5:17-20 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to...
  6. Jesus is my Superhero

    Heyyo! New guy.....

    I'm certain some of us can learn from you as well! :wave:
  7. Jesus is my Superhero

    If God allowed me to be wealthy, what should I do?

    As far as the fighting crime bit, unless you have the support of the local government and district attorney, you'll just be spinning your wheels. May I suggest that any help you provide, wherever, is to those entities that also help others, or are trying to better themselves. I'd stay away from...
  8. Jesus is my Superhero

    Stress and aging

    Acceptance of present circumstances in life. Simple acceptance. And confident that God is with you. And the wielding of the sword of the Spirit.
  9. Jesus is my Superhero

    Off-Grid Caribbean Christian Communal Village Opportunity

    How will you deal with hurricanes?
  10. Jesus is my Superhero


    Rom. 12: 1-2 can also be on your list of verses. If a person studies how having the fear of the Lord can enrich one's life spiritually, this too plays into the renewing of the mind, or regeneration.
  11. Jesus is my Superhero

    why I have to see Christians hungry?

    Study The Sermon on the Mount and spend the rest of your life making it a part of who you are, a reflection of Jesus Christ. Follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit in implementing Jesus' teachings. "Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God". The...
  12. Jesus is my Superhero

    My dear aunt died in 27th December 2022

    What I think of: Job 19: 25-27 For I know that my Redeemer lives, And He shall stand at last on the earth; And after my skin is destroyed, this I know, That in my flesh I shall see God, Whom I shall see for myself, And my eyes shall behold, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!
  13. Jesus is my Superhero

    70+ years old and changes you're making

    Robots will be restocking and when a proximity sensor malfunctions on the 'bot, it may well run someone over....LAWSUITS! :cool:
  14. Jesus is my Superhero

    70+ years old and changes you're making

    I've heard that WM is widening the aisles to accommodate robots.
  15. Jesus is my Superhero

    What Does This Say About Me?

    Yes, I've had a similar experience. Married again many years later and more successfully. :yum:
  16. Jesus is my Superhero

    Hawaiian pizza with pineapples and Toast Hawaii with pineapples - do you like it?

    I like Hawaiian pizza, rarely will it be a top choice from a menu though. I've never heard of the other offering. Is it toasted on a Hawaiian beach over wood smoke or Palm leaves? :yum:
  17. Jesus is my Superhero

    Russian priests may be defrocked.

    The FSB may be behind this. Or whatever the Russian counter intelligence calls themselves today.
  18. Jesus is my Superhero

    What Does This Say About Me?

    Is this not true for Christian men as well?
  19. Jesus is my Superhero

    Seeking Feedback for Christian Video I helped Create

    I checked, I didn't like it. And here is why: All emotionalism. No sweeping vistas of the earth's natural beauty, nothing different from all the other short clips that can be found on youtube. How about images of hospitals being manned, food being provided to the needy, wounds being cleaned and...
  20. Jesus is my Superhero

    70+ years old and changes you're making

    I use Walmart for many deliveries. They are trying to compete with Amazon in providing delivery services. If Walmart doesn't stock an item, they'll forward the request to a partner business that does. I haven't had any issues with several items I've purchased through their website. Yes, Walmart...