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    Unwanted Groinal Responses

    Hey, I hope to encourage you and release you from some of your guilt. If you could sin bad enough to lose your salvation, everyone would, many times in their life. What God has started in you, he WILL bring to completion. Next, having a physical response is different to having willful thought...
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    Homeless Sex Drive -- What Do I Do???

    I'm so sorry for you, and I wish you didn't have to go through this. Having a wild sex drive is insanely hard to deal with as a Christian. I'm right in the same boat as you, minus the hope of one day getting married. I've had my heart broken one too many times. I can tell you what helped for me...
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    Complicated relationship advice

    I think you misunderstood me. It hasn't taken away my desire to find true love, but that now, IF God desires to glorify himself through my singleness, then that is what I want to. It's not that I don't still have desires, but that God has taught me to be content with where I am right now, and...
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    Complicated relationship advice

    Yeah, I guess. It was really hard at first. But in hindsight I'm glad it happened that way. God used it to teach me how to be content with singleness. So I'm glad that the situation was used to grow me, but it doesn't make it hurt any less.
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    How Important Is Getting Married To You?

    I have always greatly desired marriage. Still do. It used to be all-important to me, but God has since taught me contentment. So, though I have a great desire for marriage, if I never marry, that will be okay. If God wants to glorify himself through my singleness, then that is what I want to.
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    Complicated relationship advice

    In case anyone is still paying attention to this, or comes across it randomly, the end of the story is this: last spring she told me it wasn't going to work, and now she just got engaged to someone else.
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    Sharing your Dreams ;)

    Sometimes I dream lucidly. It's quite fun. If ever I realize I'm dreaming, the world is open to me. I can fly like superman, create things, telekinete, etc. Pretty cool. The only time I can remember being super disappointed that it was only a dream I had just married my crush and we were in...
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    Keep a Word - Change a Word

    Tee box
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    Keep a Word - Change a Word

    Square root
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    Really weird topic - Need help

    Hey, don't beat yourself up over it. In the Leviticus 18 it lays out the rules of incest. You can read it for yourself, but it boils down to this: don't be with anyone 3 steps from you or closer. I.e. your mom is 1 step, stay away. Your sister and grandma are 2 steps, stay away. Your aunt is...
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    Skinny Dipping?

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think that God cursed nakedness, in fact, I think it's one of the only things that came through the curse better than before: however, there are some strict prohibitions about nakedness in the Bible, and God made adam and eve clothes with which to cover their...
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    Skinny Dipping?

    Yeah, I've gone skinny dipping. It's incredibly liberating to swim naked. I mean, God kind of created people to exist naked in a tropical/subtropical environment, and specifically suited us to spend a lot of time in and near water. But, you know... curse and shame of nakedness and all that...
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    Is polygamy a sin

    Exodus 21:10 KJV If he take him another wife; her food, her raiment, and her duty of marriage, shall he not diminish. This is as far as I know the only command in the Bible regarding polygamy: you must treat your wives equally in every way. As far as I have found there is no direct prohibitions...
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    Should we stop?

    Here's my opinion, take it or leave it.... Exodus 22:16-17 KJV And if a man entice a maid that is not betrothed, and lie with her, he shall surely endow her to be his wife. [17] If her father utterly refuse to give her unto him, he shall pay money according to the dowry of virgins. Now I know...
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    Complicated relationship advice

    There is a lot of variance in the FIB church, and they are rather moderate. They aren't super exlusive, and yes, they love all, including enemies, they believe in salvation through faith alone, but necessarily wrought through repentence and confession of sins. I absolutely beleive she's genuine...
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    Complicated relationship advice

    To everyone that posted, thank you. I guess I needed to hear what you had to say. I'm going to wait, do it properly. I appreciate all the advice, especially the advice that's harder to swallow! For everyone who gave me tips about what to do Now, thanks, fresh Ideas are always good. I'm going to...
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    Complicated relationship advice

    Only a little. About my business, where it's at, how far I think it still needs to come.
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    Complicated relationship advice

    I'm a farrier, and there's huge potential for future goals. More work up here than anybody knows what to do with, it just takes a little time to edge into the market. Unfortunately, not very realisticly. It mostly boils down to chance encounters, which is none to pleasant. In the circles I'm in...
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    Complicated relationship advice

    No, nothing that extreme. FIB, kinda middle spectrum conservative for FIBs. I know it's a battleground, thats a good part of what attracts me to her: she's such a good Christian Girl. Would I love her through all of that, and worse? I'm obviously not a prophet, but with God's help, yes.
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    A non-sinful act, but won't do it regardless

    This is just like my life. I kissed a girl I thought I would marry, and it was just a gateway for more, and led to years of sexual enslavement. Thanks for posting. If God sees fit to one day bring a woman into my life, this post will help me redouble my effort to keep my lips pure.