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  1. Hmm

    Infinite Crime and Punishment

    A common rationalisation for Eternal Conscious Torment (ECT) is that the punishment for crimes against God must be eternal because God is eternal. By this logic, a crime against a 100-year-old should be punished with a 100-year prison sentence, and stealing a baby's rattle should carry a...
  2. Hmm

    What is a successful (good) creation for God?

    "Great Britain" when Britain is so small it could sit in the corner of Texas and not be noticed for days? (Being British, I presume I'm allowed to say that...)
  3. Hmm

    What is a successful (good) creation for God?

    Good News can't be Good News for anyone who cares about others if it's Bad News for "billions", or even for one. And the second commandment is to care about others... So another illogicality there, to go along with the one you pointed out.
  4. Hmm

    What is a successful (good) creation for God?

    The Good News of Christ.
  5. Hmm

    What is a successful (good) creation for God?

    I agree, it's an interesting question but, as you say, off-topic so best not to discuss it here.
  6. Hmm

    What is a successful (good) creation for God?

    Where is that supported in scripture or are you being all self-refuting again?
  7. Hmm

    What is a successful (good) creation for God?

    We are not writing academic essays here.
  8. Hmm

    What is a successful (good) creation for God?

    No worries mate. Bonzer explanation!
  9. Hmm

    What is a successful (good) creation for God?

    You're an Annihalationist? Just out of interest, what makes you prefer annihilation over the more popular ECT?
  10. Hmm

    What is a successful (good) creation for God?

    Well, I referred to His resurrected body. If you read that as the "same body" then you misunderstood me. He still had a body - He didn't become a ghost - and that body still carried wounds from His earthly body, so I was trying to make the point that we are transformed, rather than destroyed...
  11. Hmm

    What is a successful (good) creation for God?

    I see you miss my point. My fault in not explaining it well I'm sure. Ah, well.
  12. Hmm

    What is a successful (good) creation for God?

    Why did Jesus' resurrected body then still bear the crucifixion wounds on his hands and feet? We are transformed rather than destroyed and (some of us) built again as a kind of Plan B.
  13. Hmm

    What is a successful (good) creation for God?

    This is the best of freedom I've ever read and it's made sense of a number of things that have always puzzled me, so thanks! It's amazing how enlightened the early Christians were and how far we've descended since then, to the point where most Christians nowadays regard them as heretics. One...
  14. Hmm

    What is a successful (good) creation for God?

    It's a fascinating question. I don't see ECT supported in the Bible (once the well-known mistranslations of aionios, kolasis etc have been corrected), nor by the Early Church and nor by common morality and rationality. So why is there such an insistence that God sends most of us to eternal...
  15. Hmm

    What is a successful (good) creation for God?

    Agreed, although that doesn't stop people from desperately trying to avoid it. The argument and we've already seen it used above, is that everlasting torture or destruction of His children does not mean that God has failed but rather means that He has succeeded in achieving His purpose of...
  16. Hmm

    ECT has Committed EVERY Logical Fallacy!

    Except it doesn't as explained.